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Is it normal for an ex to...?

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Well considering that nothing of the sexual nature happened perhaps his intentions were strictly platonic...either way it doesn't sit well with me. I mean aren't there societal norms or something about stuff like this? Not just between exes but friends who are the opposite sex. Perhaps the full story is needed.


I had been broken up with my ex for a month. I had a lucid and disturbing nightmare one night and the next day he offers to keep me company one night. I accept and when he comes over I go to my room to get a blanket for him to sleep on the couch but he just hops onto my bed and lays down.


It just completely baffles me...

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Well I'm assuming you don't mean sleeping together, and you just mean they got into your bed?


If that's the case, then I know what you mean. After my ex and I broke up, she came round to mine to talk and to pick stuff up etc. Well we were in my bedroom, and I was standing and she was sitting on my bed, all fair enough. And then, she laid down on my bed. It as completely non sexual and non romantic, I just found it weird that she still seemed comfortable enough to be lying on my bed like that. In the end I asked her not to because it gave me a real urge to just lay beside her like we used to, *sigh*.


It's probably just a case of old habits dying hard. My ex and I still see eachother from time to time and we always greet with a hug and say goodbye with a hug. We've been broken up 3 months and she is even seeing someone else right now, but even so, I feel her leaning in for a kiss whenever we go to hug. On another occasion, only about 2 weeks after we broke up, she had to call me so she did and we had our conversation, and instead of just saying goodbye, she said "I love you baby." Boy did that confuse me! But I'd say it's simply old habits dying hard and old feelings rearing their ugly heads.

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