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What does this mean? I need it ASAP!!


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OK...I like this girl and I've been getting two different answers from her (I asked if we could hang out somehwere in the near future - NO A DATE).


She either says she's really busy and hen I come up w/ an idea she'll go if she likes it(that probably means no) and then she'll say yes (that obviously means yes).


She doesn't like bowling, so I need a backup plan. What's a place where it's not to much of a date but we both have a good time (and isn't bowling)? She said if she likes the place I offer, we'll go .


My list of maybe's: -Movies w/ Dinner (too date-like though?)

-local Dave and Busters (good place but we may need $$ and I dunno how to get more money on the card too well)

??? (I need help)

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uh, miniature golf? I don't think I can help you if you don't want it to seem like a date... Maybe go for a walk or just starbucks. The movies sounds good, but if you don't want it to be date-like then get rid of the dinner. There are tons of things you could do. Just try to do stuff you'd do with friends, I guess.

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I always thoght that an indoor rolleblading place would be great, But i guess some girls dont liek rollerblading to much, if u guys did go, u could skate around together and talk aot and get to know eachothe rbetter, what ever you do, let her talk and just listen dont tlak about yourself alot, they love to talk about themselves. 8)

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Well it could be like a date, but not a situation where it would only be in a date-like situation.


Also, it's 45 degrees where I live (NY), so the ball might freeze in mini golf or something else lol.


I dunno hoe expensive Dave and Busters would be (it it's a lot, I can'tt do it), but it might be a good place (a lot of things r there) - I could also take a few extra tickets from home and buy her something. It's in a mall as well so there's other places nearby to go to.

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Going to a mall I would say is a good option. Just tell her that you wanna hang out there with her.

It is also a good conversation starter, you could take her to the stores you like, and lett her take you to the places she likes. This is not a high-stress situation and there are lots of people around so you wont feel uncomfortable.

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I can't help but think this girl is being a bit ungracious by saying she'll only go out with you if it's to some place she likes. Rather, if she is truly interested in you, spending time with you, and getting to know you, this wouldn't really matter and she'd probably offer up some enthusiastic suggestions herself.


Are you sure you want to pursue this?

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I can't help but think this girl is being a bit ungracious by saying she'll only go out with you if it's to some place she likes. Rather, if she is truly interested in you, spending time with you, and getting to know you, this wouldn't really matter and she'd probably offer up some enthusiastic suggestions herself.


Are you sure you want to pursue this?


She didn't say that, but that is what it seems. She doesn't like bowling, so I'm left scrambling for ideas. There is also this kid I know who rivals me in a lot of things and is a friend of hers, and I know he was talking to her then (and he might like her). People like him make things a lot harder too (they, as in friends of the girl I like screw up other maybe-relationships too in the past). When we're alone, things go a lot smoother, so maybe when I go back to school 2moro, things will be easier. Apparently, when we talk in person, she's nice and agreeable, and online she sometimes is confusing. I'll monitor things and see what happens.

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No problem Scout - I agree w/ what u said. If it gets too crazy, I'll look for someone else but I clicked with this girl immediately and we really get along well. She's different than any of the other girls I've ever liked. For once, I feel I have a real shot where I didn't do anything stupid and there have been some signs.


My main concern is that she is very selective and that all of a sudden a lot of guys are starting to "like" her after I had my eye on her (it's scary - I'm not exaggerating, there really are a lot of guys liking her now out of the blue). I asked her about "hanging out" a little before I wanted to, but as long as she said yes (she did), I'm OK. I've never seen anything like this - she's not even the hottest girl in the school (she is the hottest single girl though) or anything (she's plenty hot, but there are a few girls that are hotter). It's going to get highly competitive (again, like nothing I've ever seen), and all I think I need to do is keep my cool and be myself, but if it goes too far over my head, I'll look elsewhere. I dunno how she does it (she's a different type of girl, but still) and I gotta subtly get her before it's an all out war lol.


I think I can deflect the "challenges" and I'm not too worried about that yet. I'll go with the mall idea first and see what she says. When she agrees, then I'll think about how to manage the "date".

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paint balling


might sound corny, but science museums are always fun. lots of hands on kind of stuff.


circus? like cirque du soleil type thing


ooohh.. if it's cold, and possibly snowing? horse back riding.


bungee jump?


bumper cars- carnivals


what about something like six flags or an amusement park? too cold?

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