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Do men always know when a girl is interested in them?


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And as others have mentioned, it doesn't help that whenever it seems "blatantly obvious" that a woman is flirting with me, I just have to wait a few minutes to see her talk to somebody else and realize that she is just naturally flirty with everyone. I've gotten my hopes up too many times thinking a woman was way into me only to soon realize that she just acts that way with every man she talks to.


Just wanted to mention that IT HAPPENED AGAIN. Out the other night, was flirting pretty heavily with a woman I'd met before but don't really know (we share a lot of the same friends). Seemed like she was pretty into me. Then I look her up on FB when I get home and find out she lives with her boyfriend.


Maybe she thought everybody knew that already? I just know I would never have flirted that blatantly when I was in a relationship. Oh, well. Glad I didn't try to "close the deal" or anything or I would have just embarrassed myself.

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If you give a guy your phone number or ask if wants to get together to do something we usually get the idea that you like us. The hair-twirling, nervous glances, body-mimicking doesn't always cut it because girls could be doing it out of nervousness or other reasons. Also if the guy lacks self-confidence he'll be second guessing himself regardless of what you do. For example, "she smiled at me! oh nevermind, she probably was just smiling at the guy behind me." "she touched my arm! oh wait, she probably does this to everyone, she doesn't like me like that."


To put some perspective on this, I sometimes get girls glancing at me but I'll think she's looking at something on my shirt or she's looking at someone behind me rather than assume she likes me. Based on that I have no way of knowing if she does or not.




Depending on the guy in question of course, however, the above sounds about right for a lot of guys.

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The title of this thread made me smile


I can obviously only speak for myself, but I would say that I am a lot more clueless about this than I would care to believe. I have a very difficult time discerning when a girl is playfully flirting with me on a platonic level and when she is really into me. I have a tendency to overthink and misinterpret certain signs, so often I think a girl is interested in me when really the truth couldn't be more opposite.


However I should also mention that those few times when I was approached by a girl who was interested in me she made it pretty obvious what she wanted, maybe because she realized that I wasn't going to take a more subtle hint, so she had to resort to something more obvious! In any case, I would say that if a girl is really interested in a guy then she should "sac up" and just come out with it. The fear of rejection/humiliation is the same for both guys and girls, and believe me: a threat to a man's ego is just as daunting as one to a woman's feelings. So both genders have their own set of hangups. The only way to really get past these is to face your fear and be honest with the other person. Sure, it might be painful and disappointing if the answer isn't what you are wanting/expecting, but ultimately I think their is a lot more dignity in telling someone the truth straight up, rather than trying to play cryptic games for days, weeks, sometimes months on end. And believe me when I say that playing mind games is one thing NO man appreciates.

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