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how can you tell if your ex still loves you???

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If I broke up with a guy I would know the difference between being friendly and being flirty. I would be at pains not to lead him on. As she is quite young and just discovering her power as a woman she might be leading you on for the ego boost or she might still be attracted to you. For your own safety assume nothing. Play it cool, you are a single guy and she is not your girlfriend so don't let her treat you any other way.

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Hey boochanik2,


You never mentioned why she broke up with you. How long you been apart, why you were hanging out with her in the first place.


I don't know how everyone (with exception to Phoenix) came up with solutions without knowing what happened in your relationship in the first place and have atleast an idea of what his ex is like.


Booch...give us some more info, mabye we can better evaluate whats going on.



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I didn't think I was giving a solution, just offering advice and an opinion. If I had a solution I would have used it on myself months ago. And, having read what has been written since, I still hold true to what I wrote. Be careful and play it cool is always good advice.

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Sorry cassiana...You are right...you didn't give any bad info.

In fact I agree with cassiana...just take it as it is, see what comes of it. There are cases where people are just genuinely overwhelmed with what is going on. Doesn't happen much, but it can. I personally would of tested my opportunities that night.


If you would of told us that she left you for another guy, fell out of love, wanted to be single...I would say move on. However with what you give us to advise on...don't put your life on hold...but don't burn no bridges either. I know nursing programs are tough...I had friends take it...it is a lot of work.



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yeah thank you guys for im taking things slow for i dont understand girls thats why when i found this website i had to join for you guys have been there before in more cases then me and having expert advice is what i need for my fam said that i should move on but my heart is telling me no and so im just hanging out with guy friends right now for would you guys, would you say to just wait intell she calls me and play it out from there????

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If I was you...and i'm not 100% what is going on there with you and her...but hell...you might as well just get it done and over with. There is nothing worse then wondering a year later if you made the right choice. Find out where you stand, give to her straight. If she doesn't know, then move on...you tried.


Good Luck


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