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kinda gross question for the guys

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My ex and I would usually not do it on her period because it was just messy and you really had to clean up afterwards. We definitely didn't do it on her heavy days, but sometimes on the light/spotty days at the end of her period.


I think the fact that I loved her was definitely a motivating factor, and she really felt a deeper love for me when I'd want to do it with her on her period (she always assumed I didn't so she didn't ask me). There were plenty of times when I didn't want to anyway and other times when she just wanted a break as well. Like DBL said, taking a break does create anticipation for good sex when the girl stops bleeding and is horny.

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I have done it on several occasions and both of us were grossed out. I can't remember why we did it again after that.. we must have been really horny.


Overall, it's a gross experience but I don't generally think less of the girl. Although it's defiantly not a turn on, ha ha.


I would recommend against it.. you can seriously wait a few days. I think the only reason why we did do it was because we were so horny and she wasn't comfortable doing anything else because she's not good at head or hand jobs.

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I dunno, guys I am strongly against having sex during the period and I really do think it's gross man. Besides, that week of waiting only makes us desire each other more. On 6 and 7, we make love, have wild passionate sex, and just go buckwild on each other.


Anticipation builds the horny meter!

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For those who are interested, I've heard about these things called "soft tampons." Check them out at "link removed"


They're supposed to look like soft pink marshmallows and if a girl wants to wear one during her period and have sex, then...


I haven't used them myself, so I don't know anything more.


I think, DBL, after a woman's period, she just kinda goes back to baseline, normal, whatever...

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Personally, I dont mind it during the "lighter" days. All of my ex's have been cool with it. They always told me when it was real heavy so we didnt do it then. With one, a while back we had a special Navy blue towel we laid down on the bed. It made it real easy to clean up afterwards.


I just dont look down there

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Maybe I just have a bad sense of smell or somethin....and I'm really picky about how a girl smells down there...but it's not often I smell a really bad smell during that time.


But also, it helps when they "wash their azz" before having sex during the period time.


Also, it depends on what kind of smell your talkin bout. Sometimes, the sex smell can be a turn on. Depending on what kind of smell it is.

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I've only done it with a girl once when she was on her period. During a 2 month time of a sex buddy relationship there was a time when i asked if i could come over and she told me I could but we couldn't have sex cause she was on her period. I didn't mind I just wanted to spend sometime together.


Well, i think all the kissing and handjobs got her really horny because she suddenly changed her mind, whipped off her thong and removed her sanitory towel and told me to get a rubber (I was a bit shocked as I haden't done it with a girl while she was on her period and seeing her sanitory towel with speckles of blood made me feel a bit *yuck* for a second, but then I thought I was being silly and imature). So we did the deed. I found the blood a bit off putting, to be honest I was actualy worried about her, but she insisted she was fine. I guess I just didn't know how much blood to expect, and your natural thinking is that blood=injury=pain.


Overall, I would rather not do it while a girl is on, but if they are really up for it then I guess i'll just about be able to manage it. Maybe another encounter will make me change my mind and make me say "NO!"

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from a girls point of view.. i think its pretty nasty, but my ex always insisted that it was fine. We always just layed a towel down..did the thing..and i told him not to look while i cleaned up. It feels a lot different usually because there is so much extra lubrication.. which i guess made it feel nicer for him. Aslong as you have a shower nearby.. its really not that bad. I wouldnt recommend it..but if you love someone, who cares. It just depends on who it is i guess...

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My bf (maybe ex??) only ever have sex on the really light days... sometimes after my shower its not around for a few hours.. so we use the opportunity there.... He is a little weird about it.. I understand its ok.. Im a little embarrassed myself... even after 4.5 years...


I find that the second my period comes I ALWAYS get insanely horny.... and it lasts the whole week......Why is that???????

Im sure my bf doesnt mind thought cause it means MANY MANY blow jobs for him....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am so surprised how many people out there have little to big problems with having sex during their gf period. My boyfriend and I NEVER even thought it was gross at all. My friends agree to that its gross but I guess my bf and I are that into it, and eachother that we really do not even consider it a factor in not having sex. If we ever have a chance, we go for it. =) Im not trying to sound like a hoochie mama =) wink, we have been together for 3 yrs and its been the same. I understand the messy part, but we do the towel under us thing, and we shower after, or we keep a stash of baby wipes if we have to leave soon and both clean up. Its not dirty just b/c its blood. Do girls get grossed out when a guys comes in them. Its all just body fluid. Same thing.

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Hmm.. I wouldn't think it's nasty, but I don't like getting bloodstains places because blood stains take a while to clean up and I don't like soaking my hands wet... I also don't like the smell of blood before and after it dries, so I'd pretty much avoid sex during period all together.


If blood won't stain and won't smell like rusting iron, I'd have no problems with it.

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