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could use some suggestions.....

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i really love this girl and i recently havent had the funds to buy her anything or take her to nice places. I just wanna buy her a simple gift to remind her that i love her and was wondering if anyone could help me out on what gifts women really love? all and any suggestions are appreciated.


thanks for anyone who makes a suggestion

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oh!...good question!


Well, that depends on what kind of personality she has and her views on money. If she is a girl who likes the small things in life....then you can always

MAKE something for her. Last time...i had to make the girl i like somthing...and its totally worth it. I made a whole bouquet of flowers. Origami flowers that is. Use assorted colors and also be sure to take your time and make it neat. This will show her that you love her by putting your heart and soul into the project...its sentiimental value which will grow in appreciation over time.


but if that is something that you arent very skilled at..( i wasn't at first..) then you can always show her that you like her by your actions. If you have a car then you can bring her out on a good drive to the beach....a walk on the beach will be nice...



and if you are very tight on some things.....then i think the best thing is to let her know that you love her with all your heart. Tell her that your love for her is so strong...but also stress out that you aren't wealthy but you do care for her and that you would be there for her whenever she would need you. But for this situation......i guess this is the best that i have come up with so far.... when i think of more..i'll post them up. Peace!


-don't loose any sleep oever this either.

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Hi Slash,


Can I recommend you to buy her a nice card? Put your thoughts, heart, feelings and emotions into words and send her the card. I know that this is a very powerful thing toward a woman. She will absolutely understand how you feel and feel special herself.


I hope that this helped you on your way. I wish you good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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