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2 years feels like too much!


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I'm about to turn 27; he just turned 25. Both of us are educated adults and have about the same amount of "life experience" in terms of working, being "out in the real world," relationships, etc. So, it seems fine on paper.


Still, just thinking about the numbers makes me cringe a little. I don't know why: it's less than 2 years, and when both people are in their mid-20s, it shouldn't matter, right? It's not like high school.


Someone tell me that I'm being an idiot. Because things are otherwise perfect, but I - being the mathematically-oriented individual that I am - can't help making it a numbers game.

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You're not being an idiot, but not far off. You're at the same life stage and it really shouldn't matter, exactly as you say. So why does it?


(Being mathematically-oriented...try thinking of the difference as "percentage of life to date". That's why 25-27 is not the same as 14-16, at all.)

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Okay...I feel that you are making a bigger deal out of it than you should be (I was gonna state that you were being an idiot) You guys are at a similar stage in your life, and you can relax and enjoy it for what it is. Knowing your guy, I hope he isn't making this an issue?

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My husband is three years younger than me, and I don't feel there is any kind of divide. My late husband was two years younger, we met when I was 25 and he was 23.


I haven't noticed any differences in life experience... maybe darthbreezy is on to something regarding other areas of incompatibility?

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Thanks for the input, all. I know I'm being irrational; I just need someone else to tell me that.


I can't place my finger onto any obvious incompatibilities...Everything was going great (when I didn't know how old he was; I just assumed mid-20s based on his appearance) until we did the whole "let's compare how bad our driver's license photos are" and I saw his birth date. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Seriously, just seeing the number changed things all of a sudden.


I'll just have to try to get over it, I guess.

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