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its all over now shes killing me!!!

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its all over now shes killing me ( taking from firefly by inme) the essex boys have said it again. they now i feel i dont want to live anymore. why does my life have to be so depressive i cant live with the thought that i never ask the girl i love the most out!!

it will bug my for the rest of my life and i no that i will be forever alonely its so hard i've never asked a girl out before & i cant ask her!! i dont know what to do, i now for a fact that she will say no and thats why i havent asked her shes probably already got a boyfriend she so f***kin hot and i cant live without i feel like i'm gonna slit my wrists again or even go futher what do i do plse some help me before its too late!!!!!!!!


-- Added next posting from falocn to this message (edit by SwingFox) --


when i wrote it will buy my for the restof my life i meant it will bug ME for the rest of my life!!

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Hi Falocn,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us with your message. I understand that you're going through a difficult time at the moment. I just hope that you realize that it is only a moment in time.


Sometimes you come accross someone that stays in your mind for a while. They make some sort of impression that makes you go: "WOW!". Too bad that she already has a b/f, though. Don't give up though and hang in there. Life is a beautiful thing and there are lots of young women around that are very sweet and nice.


Wishing you strength.


~ SwingFox ~

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