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what do you think of anal sex

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i dont understand why...wouldn't it be very painful? i've never done it and dont intend to, but older friends say i'll get past that 'stage'. maybe the idea is more pleasant as you become older...


It's painful at first, but lubrication and gentle penetration is necessary to get past the discomfort.


To do it is merely a personal preference--it's not mandatory. It doesn't become magically pleasant when you get older--it's just a personal preference, some like it, some just don't. Your choice, your right, your prerogative.


Tada . . .

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it sure is unpleasant and can be very painful the first couple of times you try it, but that will go away. you just have to find a man who knows how to do it and be gentle and patient. it's a completely different sensation from vaginal sex. it's a rather great feeling once you relax and is with someone you trust and care about.


also about 7 inches into the rectum is relatively clean, the colon starts somewhere after that and that's where all the feces are. so unless you're about to defecate sometime soon, then it's not that dirty. of course the whole farting thing sometimes can be rather funny. and other unpleasantness after the fact that can occur, but that's something else.

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I use to have the same negative thoughts about anal. I tried it once years ago with someone who was also unexperinced with it and my conclusion was it just wasn't for me. If anyone else every asked me for I would simlpy say no, I'm not into it.


But...Now I am in a realtionship with a man I am deeply in love with and he likes anal sex. Earlier on in the begaining of the realtionship , I was telling him no to anal sex because I was afraid of it being painful and had the fear of feces coming out and being embrassed (where that thought came from, I don't know lol).


When you are truley in love with someone you should want to please and satisfy your partner in everyway. So I agreed to it. There was never any pressure on me for anal sex, I just wanted to please him in every possible way I could.


The first time we did it, I had him to use his fingers first with plenty of lube. After I got comfotable with that, I had him go inside me. I must admit it was a little painful, but he was very patient with me. He took his time are was very careful not hurt me. I also had to relax and not tense up. I took alot of deep breathes to help me relax and get comfortable.


It toke some time adjusting to it, but after about ten mins the pain went away and it begain to feel good and I felt myself being turned on by it and really getting into it. It started to feel as good as regular sex. It was great! I have really come to enjoy it and I find myself requesting it more than my partner! lol


Since I was one who was against it and now I am into it, I would say these are the things you need to have sucessful anal sex:


1. Plenty of lube!

2. A partner that is experienced and willing to take his time with you.

3.Cleanliness - wash before and after

4. Make sure you don't have to go to the bathroom anytime soon. (Now I am not sure how true this is, I read it on another site about anal sex, but I do make sure I've been and don't have to go anytime soon. I've read some go as far as taking an enema, but I've never done that.

5. RELAX...RELAX....RELAX - When you tense up, u are only hurting yourself and making it painful.

6. Know that once you get past the initial part of it, it gets a whole lot better!!!


Just my two cents......Jamillia


This is actually my first post on this site. It turned out to be pretty long, but I hope its helpful.


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It does get easier... LOTS of lube, and he has to be gentle and understanding. I tried it with my BF for the first time (never with anyone before) and I'm really glad it was with him because he made it a neutral experience not something bad. Now I look forward to it because it makes him happy, he LOVES it.


He will lay off if I hint that I'm not into it at the moment, which is nice, and important. It's gotten to the point that I can relax and enjoy HIS enjoyment of it, although I don't get a whole lotta pleasure from it myself.

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Well, you captalized "god" so I assume you think that's a very good argument to stop people from having anal sex. ... guess what, some of us don't believe in god. If you say "god created us to etc etc etc" it means you can only force your beliefs and your values on someone else who also shares your belief and values. AKA, you will only be preaching to the choir.


Anal sex is a personal preference. You can choose to do it or don't do it, but you can't say "god created anus to be a passage only." If hands have multiple functions, limbs have multiple functions, why can't anus have multiple functions?

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Well, you captalized "god" so I assume you think that's a very good argument to stop people from having anal sex. ... guess what, some of us don't believe in god. If you say "god created us to etc etc etc" it means you can only force your beliefs and your values on someone else who also shares your belief and values. AKA, you will only be preaching to the choir.


Anal sex is a personal preference. You can choose to do it or don't do it, but you can't say "god created anus to be a passage only." If hands have multiple functions, limbs have multiple functions, why can't anus have multiple functions?


Indeed Anal sex is a personal preference, I do respect your opinion, however I personally feel that anus is not the correct passage for sex. As a guy I know I'm going to enjoy myself if I do that to women but I rather not because they will feel more pain than pleasure, pity them. So ladies think twice before letting your boyfriends do that to you cause do they really love you or just wanna have you for fun??? Thank you.

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I saw a show late one night, and theses doctors said that anal can be more pleasureable for both MAN AND WOMAN and that too many women think about it too much without giving it a try. Most who try find pleasure because of whats in the anus, very sensitive!


Well, there you go, fanish... I can find some information on anal sex causing permanent damage, but I also found that I can find more that says if done carefully permanent damage can be avoided for the most part. I can also find a lot of information on anal sex actually being pleasurable.


So, I guess you're wrong.


People do willingly engage in anal sex. You can't and have no right to tell these people who are willingly engaging in anal sex that they do not feel pleasure. Whether they feel pleasure or not is up to them to decide.


I personally think there's no pleasure in S&M, but I respect the people who find pleasure in S&M and engage in it. I have no right to tell them they are wrong, they're not feeling pleasure, and they are demented.

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I saw a show late one night, and theses doctors said that anal can be more pleasureable for both MAN AND WOMAN and that too many women think about it too much without giving it a try. Most who try find pleasure because of whats in the anus, very sensitive!


Well, there you go, fanish... I can find some information on anal sex causing permanent damage, but I also found that I can find more that says if done carefully permanent damage can be avoided for the most part. I can also find a lot of information on anal sex actually being pleasurable.


So, I guess you're wrong.


People do willingly engage in anal sex. You can't and have no right to tell these people who are willingly engaging in anal sex that they do not feel pleasure. Whether they feel pleasure or not is up to them to decide.


I personally think there's no pleasure in S&M, but I respect the people who find pleasure in S&M and engage in it. I have no right to tell them they are wrong, they're not feeling pleasure, and they are demented.


I suppose these 'doctors' are among those who take advantage over women for Anal sex, that's why they make it look positive so that women will volunteer themselves....BEWARE LADIES!!!

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Well, why can't you just leave it up to other people to decide? Everyone can decide for themselves and everyone is happy.


These ladies have minds of their own and they can think for themselves. Most people here have already made up their mind whether they will engage in anal sex or not. Why do you feel the need to pressure your opinions onto other people?

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Well, why can't you just leave it up to other people to decide? Everyone can decide for themselves and everyone is happy.


These ladies have minds of their own and they can think for themselves. Most people here have already made up their mind whether they will engage in anal sex or not. Why do you feel the need to pressure your opinions onto other people?


God has given humans brain to think, feelings to decide and off course not even God wish to stop humans from doing whatever they want to do. The only problem is humans have to bear the consequences of their own actions. So ladies, if you think you'll enjoy yourselves doing Anal sex, by all means, carry on but if it is more pain than enjoyable, 'DO THINK TWICE' .... poor ladies....

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God has given humans brain to think, feelings to decide and off course not even God wish to stop humans from doing whatever they want to do. The only problem is humans have to bear the consequences of their own actions. So ladies, if you think you'll enjoy yourselves doing Anal sex, by all means, carry on but if it is more pain than enjoyable, 'DO THINK TWICE' .... poor ladies....


here you go again.. you preach only to the choir. Why do you feel the need to bring in god? Seriously, who cares about what god wants? Have a little respect for us Atheists here.

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God has given humans brain to think, feelings to decide and off course not even God wish to stop humans from doing whatever they want to do. The only problem is humans have to bear the consequences of their own actions. So ladies, if you think you'll enjoy yourselves doing Anal sex, by all means, carry on but if it is more pain than enjoyable, 'DO THINK TWICE' .... poor ladies....


here you go again.. you preach only to the choir. Why do you feel the need to bring in god? Seriously, who cares about what god wants? Have a little respect for us Atheists here.


Ooops!! don't mean to offends any Atheists here. I'm not a preacher myself but I do believe that this forum is not only opened to Atheists?????

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-_- it's not opened to just atheists, but you don't see me openly saying god doesn't exist so people should blah blah blah, do you? -_- I only ask that you dont mention "God doesn't approve of" or "God made things to" etc. Is that too much to ask for? Or do you just have to include god in every single one of your reasoning? If you must include god in your reasonings because you're taught that way, then I have no objections. =/ We can't changed the way we are. However, if it's something you can remove to make other people.. mainly me.. to feel less offended, then please do.

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-_- it's not opened to just atheists, but you don't see me openly saying god doesn't exist so people should blah blah blah, do you? -_- I only ask that you dont mention "God doesn't approve of" or "God made things to" etc. Is that too much to ask for? Or do you just have to include god in every single one of your reasoning? If you must include god in your reasonings because you're taught that way, then I have no objections. =/ We can't changed the way we are. However, if it's something you can remove to make other people.. mainly me.. to feel less offended, then please do.


Well, we may have different views regarding Anal sex, but I'm sure we have no problem in respecting each other's opinion. It's just that I care so much about women that I hate it every time when I see man dominates them by doing Anal sex

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... we dont' have different views regarding anal sex.. If you read the first few pages of this thread you'd see I publicly said I think it's disgusting and would never try it.


I'm just not a big fan on forcing other people to comply. Especially the god factor... -_-;;;

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... we dont' have different views regarding anal sex.. If you read the first few pages of this thread you'd see I publicly said I think it's disgusting and would never try it.


I'm just not a big fan on forcing other people to comply. Especially the god factor... -_-;;;


Please do not misunderstand me, I'm in no position to force anyone to comply with my opinion, I'm just asking women to beware of men who try to take advantage of them by doing this disgusting act. At least I'm happy now that we have same views regarding anal sex. Sorry I missed the first few pages of this thread. 8)

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You and I have disagreed in this thread. And other things in my life have distracted me from eNotAlone. But, I just caught up and I think I'm in love.


To see you stand up for other's right to decide and against those that would use their god to enforce their oppinions has warmed my old athiest heart.


Thank you,


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