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Ex girlfriends of my ex sent me friend requests on FB. What does that mean?

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My ex dumped me after I told him my feelings 2 months ago. I haven't chased him and moved on with my life. I started dating and haven't heard about him any longer. However, I knew about his previous love life:


1) We had a mutual work-colleague who had a crush on him and wanted to date him. However, I was his girlfriend (she didn't know it) but didn't talk to me either. I was fired one day and he left that company too several weeks after. Then we broke up.


2) He had an ex girlfriend which he loved very much and he told me a lot of nice stuff about her. I got a new job and I found out that this girl is working at the same company. However, the company was huge, so she was working on another floor, in another department and she had no idea about me. She haven't seen me ever or talked to me. Basically she doesn't know me at all because we haven't met and had no business deals, mutual colleagues, bosses or friends. So I didn't exist in her life and she didn't exist in my life. Soon I quit that job too.


Now 2 months passed after my ex dumped me and here the 1st girl requests my friendship on FB. I didn't want any more problems and blocked her. 2 days later (today) the 2nd girl (his ex gf) requests my friendship on FB. I didn't accepted nor ignored her but just sent her a message "Hello, do we know each other?"


Somehow it all seems so odd to me. Those girls didn't know about my relationship with him, they don't know each other and I just think "What the hell is happening here?" Somehow I think that my ex told them about me, but what's the point?

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It is a bit weird, but I think some people just click Add Friend on all the People You May Know suggestions. I certainly get requests from friends-of-friends who I've never met. So I wouldn't necessarily read too too much into it. If you don't want them as friends, just ignore the requests.

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I'm not sure what that means. Seems kind of weird, agreed.


I dunno, maybe I am the weird one, but I would never talk to my exes about a current relationship, or to a current girlfriend about an ex. You really can't win either way - if you badmouth an ex, your new girlfriend/boyfriend will think you'll be likely do the same to them if you break up. It's like in a job interview - no matter how much you hated your old job or old boss, you NEVER say anything negative about them. On the other hand, if you wax nostalgic about an ex all the time, your current partner will think you still aren't over them, or that they don't measure up. Best to just not bring it up, and keep to the minimum of info if asked.


Plus, I am a pretty private person, and the idea of people talking about my personal life behind my back skeeves me out. I know two of my exes went on to become friends, and knowing them, I'm sure they probably get all catty and talk about their relationships with me. Gross!

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some people just click Add Friend on all the People You May Know suggestions. I certainly get requests from friends-of-friends who I've never met. So I wouldn't necessarily read too too much into it. If you don't want them as friends, just ignore the requests.


Well I would consider this if my ex boyfriend would have me in his contacts, but I am not there. And we don't have common pictures on his facebook or any information shared. Also we don't have mutual friends or co-workers to accidentally add me. I'm total stranger to those girls

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Have you been sti tested since he left you? They may be trying to tell you something. Or maybe they need advice or someone to hear them vent. I would be too curious to not add them, personally.


Yes, I've been STI tested after we broke up and I got my results not so long ago. I'm clean


I'm also curious, but I don't want to hear them venting out or spread my previous relationship information because it's my private life. I have no heavy feelings over him to talk bad about him. I actually don't want to talk about him to anyone at all. It's my business, I don't get it why those exes of him (who doesn't know each other in between) wants to add me. I just thought maybe he asked them to spy on my profile, but I am not gonna add them. I don't need past in my present.

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No, i think it's a stretch that he has asked them to spy on you. If they are his exes or interested in him, no way would he do that.


Perhaps he has also hurt them and they want to commiserate with you, or ask you about something he did to confirm whether he was lying to them about his availability (i.e., maybe he started hooking up with them while dating you and lying to them about it).


But if you want to get over and past him, the best thing to do is just refuse the contact and go about your business.

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