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Missing my Children tonight

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My first Christmas in over 11 years without my children. I miss them terribly in this moment. I can not wait for this day to end.


Boxing day I see my daughter.


27th Dec I fly out to see my Son


3rd Of January I turn my back on all those that did not really ever have the time when I needed them most.


Im past all of that now and I know I will never have to go through this day again.

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Are you threatening suicide in your post? On January 3rd?




Nooooo im not ... im moving into my new house on the 3rd of Jan ... what im saying is "im saying goodbye to people whom let me down this year

Sorry if it reads like that but Im good inside my head ... just miss my kids so badly and saying final goodbye to my home town and my own past


Panic over this is NOT a sucide post but incredible that you ask ... god how some people care Thank You and sorry if I caused slight panic

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I hear you Dino, miss my boy too. At least he's warm, surrounded by family and has plenty to eat. I can do without that but not him.


Great to hear you shoving off, always scary and exciting to jump the boundaries of the familiar. You will do well, no doubt.


Me? I'm debating on cooking a meal but not particularly hungry. Cooking reminds me of the boy and right now, I'd rather push that away for a little bit. I think I'll put on the boots and take a walk. Listening to some Taylor Swift and it sounds alright.


Merry Christmas!

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Hey mpro I hear you. I also avoided anything to remind me of today and the kids. Stayed alone most of day. But had a long walk. In the cold night was good to get fresh air. Stretch those legs my man and look forward to when you will see your boy!


Wish you only good stuff. And Yeah happy (effin ) chrimbo... )))

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You will see your children very soon, take comfort in that. Ever since my family separated, I've learned to let the holiday season slide and pass me by almost unnoticed, not a big deal anymore. I look at it in a different way now, not pessimistic, just indifferent. It will be over soon Stay confident that this new year will mark a new beginning for you in every sense! Best wishes for you.

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