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Phone conversations


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im currently getting to know a nice girl online, and she wants to talk on the phone now. ok no problem; except ive only known her 3 days and the only thing i know for certain we have in common is musical interest. weve alrdy discussed it quite a bit and i doubt she wants to talk about it on the phone. weve covered all the where we are from background stuff in IMs.


i just really dont like phones. i think i kinda avoid them. i always make it out of these dreaded first phone conversations without knowing exactly what i did. i basically dont say much and let her do all the talking. i guess im weird that its alot easier for me to talk in person then over a phone when you cant see the person's reaction or anything.


i would like some perspective from all those people who talk hours on end on a phone(mostly women). what are some good, possibly neutral topics to talk about during the first phone call? or guys, what do you say on a phone to keep a woman interested, so she will want to meet with you?

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I am in a ldr, and we don't get to go on dates. So we have phone dates. Just for a first time I would suggest just be yourself, don't try to impress, girls can tell when you are doing that... Just talk about who you are. What you like. Even silly things like what happened in your day. The latest movie you saw. Play 20 questions. Just get to know each other.

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When I talk on the phone with a guy that I like, I treat him like one of my girlfriends. We don't talk about shopping & stuff. So you don't have to worry about the topics of 'the latest trend in fashion.' In fact, I don't think that most women are into conversations like that anyway. Sorry. My friends and I aren't like one of those Access Hollywood folks. We can't stand superficial chat!


For the first conversation, keeps things light hearted. You want to keep the mood cheery. It's always better for people to know who you truly are at heart: someone worth getting to know. I'm sure that deep down, you'll have something interesting to say. Here's a link that might help to get you started on ideas: [link removed Good Questions


Also, you can start off with the basics as an ice-breaker. Ask each other questions about where you grew up. Make a joke about it. (I guess for me, I grew up in the ghetto parts of HB/Orange County, so there's always something funny to talk about). I find that conversations in which people are more merry with each other, seem to have a longer lasting impression. You can also talk about other things that relate to music, like how much you might not like pop-stars, how annoying they can be, or anything random. Randomness is good, sometimes. At least you'll have an umbrella of info to talk about. You can branch off onto numerous ideas from there. Whatever you do, go with the flow and enjoy the conversation for what it is. If you guys truly bond, then you guys will talk on and on for hours...Have fun & enjoy yourself! Mahlina

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