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She's killing me!

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I have just broken up from school for good, going back in a few weeks to do my GCSE's. There was this girl, she was. . . . there are no words for what she was. She meant everything to me, but i couldnt even go near her! My knees shook when i was around her, and once when she said 'Hi' to me, i blacked out. I'm not sure what she thinks of me, got her E-mail address from a friend, but i don't think she has checked her E-mails, because she hasnt replied yet. Trouble is, she is not a shallow girl, and i know that she would still talk to me, even if i was the biggest loser on the earth, because she was amazing! I couldnt even talk to her, and i feel helpless, because i probably will never see her again. I'm going to a different college than her. It feels like a large portion of my heart has walked out of my life with her. I am thinking of really bad stuff, even suicide, i swear she is gonna be the death of me. . . . I just need to know how she feels, but she aint replyin' to my E-mails! Help me! I took an overdose of paracetamol, after getting drunk, and very nearly killed myself over her, and i don't think she even heard about it. . . .

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wassup with you? why u want this girl soooo bad...? how is skool going? how are u doing? LIVE YOUR LIFE; dont worry about this girl.

Work on you...She hasnt responded to you; ya'll had no attachments. I think it is time to let her go, and get back to you dude.


me 8)

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Hi Destroyer,


I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so down. I understand that you miss this young woman very much.


I would like to suggest you to start to make some plans in future to take your mind away to something else. See what you want to do with life and what you expect out of it. It will always help you in your future relationships, too. It's always handy to know what your expectations are out of life.


It's okay to miss this young woman. Your feelings and emotions are perfectly human. Time will heal your wounds. I won't happen overnight, but eventually your hurt and pain will change in good memories.


~ SwingFox ~

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Thanx guys, it's good to know that there are at least three people out there who care about me! I think i'm gonna break if i dont see her soon, but thats the way it goes. I really feel like one night, i'm gonna get real wasted and do something i'll really regret. . . .

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Do you feel like she has let you down for not replying or that you have let yourself down for not telling her how you feel when you had her attention ? IF it's the first one, then you don't have to do something silly like suicide because she has shown you that she isn't so wonderful after all, against your expectations. If it's the second one.. then don't do something silly like suicide because tomorrow could be the day where you can redeem yourself with another girl ! If this situation has got you feeling so awful, i worry for your future relationships. If you're that young,concentrate on practicing your chat-up and dating skills wiv girls.. this is carefree time , no time for heartache. make yourself a promise that the next time a girl takes your interest, you'll talk2her and get her number.....as many numbers as you can get from as many girls as possible ! good luck

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