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Any chance of pregnancy?


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well I have been fooling around with my bf whom I met like a month and a half ago. I am still virgin. Thursady night we were fooling around and he had his condom on and I was on top of him but no penetration or anything happned but he came. I am freaking out. He told me that I can take the morning after pill. well it was the sixth day of my period but I was clear. A firend adviced not to take the pill. But I am so paranoid. Please advice if there is any chance that I could get pregnant?

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If he had his condom on then the chances are EXTREMLY slim, especially since no penentration took place. Don't take the pill- you don't need to.


If you don't trust condoms alone, and you want to have sex, use the pill too. There is always a chance you could get pregnant if you have sex but the chances will be slim.

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I agree with Angel, if you too were using a condom and it didn't break, there is virtually no chance of you getting pregnant. Since you are paranoid, you and ur bf can practice sex this way and you will enjoy it as his penis will be in direct stimulus of ur clitirous.


Make sure you use a condom at all times and to ease ur anxiety, the pill would also help however, it will diminish ur sex drive slightly.

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Hi Newlife!

Basically I agree with all the people above.

If he had a condom on, and there wasn't penetration, there isn't any chance of getting pregnant. I mean, the semen didn't even have contact with you. There could be a small chance of pregnancy if you had touched the semen and then your vagina, or if some semen had gotten in contact with it. If none of the above happened, I could assure you haven't gotten pregnant.



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