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My ex is shy, I'm unsure how far she wants to go


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My ex and I still have feelings for each other. We do still hold hands and hug. Though she had told me she does want to kiss and do more than just that. She only tells me that through text. When it comes to being in person I will try to hold her and get close to her to kiss her but I have this feeling that she doesn't want me too close to her. I'm a bisexual female, I'm her first girlfriend. I'm trying to give her the time she needs since I will be her first girlfriend. But sometimes I just feel like she doesn't really want what she tells me through text. What do you think ?

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If I may ask, who broke up with whom, what were the reasons, and how the breakup went? (was it nasty or was it amicable?)


From what I can gather from your post she seems confused on what she wants. You're her first girlfriend and it's possible she may be struggling with her sexual orientation. I'd say you just need to give her space, let her figure out what she wants, but be there for her at the same time.

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I'm confused. If she's your ex, then haven't you already been her first girlfriend...?


And isn't this the same thread, basically?


Some people are just really that shy, they can say things over text but not in person. Really the only thing you can do is ask her, in person, how far she wants to go.

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