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Friends said they'll come to my graduation and now its coming, they cant make it


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Would you drive 3 hours to see an old friend graduate from college??


What would be the circumstances you would go?


An old childhood friend...given you have lost touch with each other the past years...since your lives have taken different directions...


But kept in touch nonetheless...


i just feel there's something wrong with me..?


Can I make this an oppurtunity to open better communications? Deepen the relationship? For personal growth? Thoughts are welcome....I know our friendships were not perfect in the past, but i would like it to get better as time goes...How can I?


Given we are far apart often...


Life don't ever get any easier does it...its all goood. Bring it. I have enotalone!

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If I was best friends with them and there wasn't something important like a family emergency that I had to do that day then yes; can't say the same about my friends doing the same for me. If you're childhood friends but you're not really close anymore... personally I wouldn't put too much hope into them showing up. It's like asking someone to attend your wedding but you haven't seen them in 5 years, the personal connection just isn't that strong anymore.

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Thank you all for your honest answers!


I guess, it just means a lot to me and I would love it to share this moment with them...but if they don't want to be there...that's fine. I'm a little hurt thinking the love would survive through the distances and times lost--at least I had hoped.


I'm sad, but maybe i'm not that surprised. I want to see more into things, I don't really know her anymore...we're not close anymore.


Where have I been?


It's a big loss...and thats part of what makes me sad. I love these people, and I always will. It's just different now. We can't go back to how things were...but I am excited about the new things to come.


I haven't settled anywhere--everyone around me is settling in their lives with their families....and i'm still...




I'm 26 years old. Single. No children.


Life is good.


My immediate family is still always here for these moments!! I couldn't ask for more.

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