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Whats the point in going on..

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ive just basically had enough of every thing like i dont see the point in living, ive felt like this for so long. thiers just nothing in my life i want to life for, the only thing thats stopping me doing it is my parents. i dont want to do this to them but i just hate my life.


like my mates dont a crap about me, nor do the girls i like i try my hardest to like be kind to people but i get nothing back in life.



i just cant find anything worth living for nothing t all, no goal i just feel like i shoulnt be here.



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SilentLife, this is called depression. There is a lot of things to live for, you just can't see it at the moment. Remember Depression is a sickness, not just something you feel. It is a condition, and can be (obviously) life threatening.


You have to try and get up, and go on.


See, God gives us a sunrise every morning, and a sunset at night, the birds in the trees, fresh air to breath, people (like your parents) that love you, your future, you are going to make some lucky woman so happy one day, and you will get to play with your new baby, and buy a new car, move into your very own house, maybe win the lottery! And here you are sitting feeling sorry for yourself!


You don't even have to be religious to see all the wonderfull gifts we get every day.

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hey, you are 16, not 60! I know when you are that age, things that upset you seem like mountains! But they really are not. A good idea is to start a new hobby. Surely there must be something you are interested in doing? YOU don't always have to be with your buddies, and if you are, maybe they will also be interested in your hobby!


As for girls, you are still trying out your new "legs" in the adult world of relationships. There is so many things you will stil learn, and yes, don't think there won't be any hearthache, but there will be lots of love and happiness too.


HOW DO YOU KNOW that this weekend, you are not going to finally meet the girl of your dreams????


Come on SilentLife, Cheer up! I now have a keen interest in you, and your life. I would love to be here for you, listen to any problems you might have, and help where I can. remember, life is what you make of it.

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ey dude..... ur 16 man...


I got my first girl at the age of 19.... and I haven't been down... cheer up m8.. do the things you wish to do and focus on yourself, and never ever think of giving up... there are so many persons out there who love you, and if you commit suicide, you will make their lives a living hell... please don't.. I know your strong, and this is only a short term period of bad things... things will eventually be good.. keep up your good work towards the girls, and on the other hand... hang out more with your friends..


Hope you can use my advice



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Hello there "SilentLife", I somehow know what you are going through mate, I've been there, it might be a bit harsher for you, but I tell you hold on, taking your life would be unreasonable, there are many reasons take make it so, but know that if you do so, you will end up being forgotten, people will talk about you for a while then they will go on with their life, you are just beginning it, hold on for now, there are lots of things waiting for you in the near future, maybe even a girl that will come out of the blue, and make you hold on of every single second in your life. You will discover that being kind and nice always pays off in the end, you just have to be patient, this is what it's all about, being able to hold on in these dark times. So please, stop thinking about that and have faith in yourself, work for what you want and you will get it.


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I'm one that tried to suicide myself 3 times in my life. All of them failed and I'm glad they did.


You don't see what life have to offer right now but its out there and it will come to you eventually.


I think back of what motivated me when I was 16 and I had no interest whatsoever, only 2 friends and no success with girls. When I think about it I totally lacked social skills too. I'm now in a long-term relationship and I have 2 kids. I did get some girls while in college and had some fun and some good friends after secondary school.


You need to get out of this depression or you won't make it. I wish I knew it when I was a teen but I discovered bodybuilding some years ago and it did so much for my self-esteem and my image. Girls became interested in me because I was looking good and strong and because I learned this attitude all the bodybuilders have, you know the cooky/funny one, I began to have more friends and more social success. Of course my life became more complex and sometime more complicated and sometimes I remember when I was doing nothing but playing games on my comp and I miss them


All you need to start this is 50$ worth of weight, 2 dumbells and a barbell.

Hit the weight and life will become brighter in the next 6 months.


Check this web site:

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I wish I could be 16 again and knew what I know right now because I would look way better and life would have been way easier.

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lol ok its starting to anoy me how people call me silentlife my names jack.


anyway, yeah how people say hang around with my mates i try and ask them and stuff but they just use like the same exuces. then some people would say of find new mates but its not as easy as that in college.


i like try to think postive but everything just gets to ya. i know tha killing myself wont solve problems but its just how i feel all the time for about 2 years now.


i guess gettinga hobbie is a good idea and that bodybuilding i used to do that but kindof spotted, spose i dont have alot of time at the weekends.


cheers for repling anyway.

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when you realize how much of a permanent solution to a temporary problem suicide is, i hope you will understand that it's not what you really want. you can get through this and you can get back on your feet and things can work out for you, too. i'm not the only one who can beat this suicide thing. just do things to occupy your time for now and before you know it you'll be back on your feet. join a gym or go for walks or something. exercise is good for making your brain feel better. find a hobby. play an instrument. watch some good movies or listen to some good music. write. TALK TO SOMEONE. something, you can do it. if you end your life, you'll never know what could have worked out for you. believe me, w'ere only given this one life and we're going to die anyway, so you might as well try your best to take advantage of your time here. i know things are hard and life does in fact get tough, but you can bounce back. just try not to get lost in your current situation and sadness. don't let your emotions get the best of you. don't drown in this pool of sadness, but lift yourself out of it and take control of those aspects in your life you're unhappy about. it'll be a gradual thing, but you can do it. hey if you ever wanna talk, please email me, i'd love that. take care and hang in there, you can do it. this is your life, not your parents or your friends or anyone. you can get through this. deal with them for now, but one day youre going to be living your own life, not under your parents direction. you can be somewhere, in a new environment with new people and you will meet people who love you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. you have so much opportunity waiting for you. be proud of who you are. life is going to happen to you, but if you cant be strong for now, youll never... i know it will be hard, but this is your life. life is what you make of it. you can do this. just remember youre not alone and were here for you and so are many people in your life. take care and msg me if you want! see ya


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