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Well, my ex called me tonight to talk.

She told me she likes a new guy. She's stupid, she doesn't know what she wants and is scared, and I got dumped in the wake. This kid's mom just died, I don't really give a *% what happens to him, but I hope she doesn't F him up royally too. In the meantime, I have to try and do well in my first year of law school. Lovely she told me this while im trying to get a giant paper done for tomorrow. I need some support here people. There's nothing about her that I can find is wrong or anything. There were no quirks or qualities that I didn't like. But anyway, I'm not gonna kill myself or anything over it. Just very sad about it. I still want her back, but I'm not talking to her until she tries to talk to me again I guess, and hopefully by then I'll be over her and hang up. Anyway, we talked about phases of love and I didnt try to convince her to come back at all, just told her good luck and talk to you later after a long conversation about how she always gets involved with guys who have never had a girlfriend before, and how they don't realize that this may happen. So, she's trying to figure out where to go to grad school, so is he i think along with trying to sort out his mom dying and stuff, but maybe things will work out for them. OH well, please advise. I know this probably didn't make much sense, but I'm pretty desperate. I don't know what to do. Maybe I should seek counseling. I need some sort of thoughts to think other than about my stupid naive ex.



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Oh, that's weird, why tell you about that guy?, it's awful.

Concentrate in school, that girl is a player and doesn't seem to be happy with playing with a boyfriend but also wants to keep playing with the ex, ignore her as much as you can, she's not worth it.

I feel bad for the other guy, he's vulnerable with his mom dying, he'll have though moments with that girl.

But anyway, a girl who acts in such a selfish way and not caring even a tiny bit about your feelings shouldn't have a place in your life, present of future, give all your attention to school and you should feel better soon.

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I think the others are giving you good advice.


What you need to focus on is not the image of what your EX once was, but the image of who she is NOW. Pull away the veil of love that you felt for her and judge her plainly in the light of day.


Do you really think she can be all that mature if she continually chooses guys who have no experience with serious relationships? Why does she do this? Why has she chosen a guy who is so vulnerable right now? Does she have a need to "fix" other people? Perhaps to avoid dealing with her own issues?


Also... what kind of person strings along an EX? Is that a sign of security? Of maturity? I don't think so.


I'm just giving you ideas... I don't know the situation, but I think you should try to look at this girl with an objective and critical approach. If she isn't ready to treat you with respect, forget about her.


And look forward to your schooling... you are still in school... which means you are likely still going to a campus (ie there are plenty of nice young women on campus). You also have an extended group of friends/colleagues who are in school with you. Use this to your advantage and think positively about the prospects of a new and exciting life. You are at the ABSOLUTE BEST time to be single. 23... young, building a professional career.... you have plenty to look forward to.


Your EX has done you a HUGE FAVOUR.


Take advantage of this time for YOU.

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