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Some thought for those in NC: for those who wait, for those who suffer

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I've just finished watching a film about Tina Turner called "What's love got to do with it?" I think most of you know this old film by heart. I just decided to watch it once more to remember, what this woman had to deal with, in her broken marriage. And you know, after all, I want to share some thoughts.


I'm suffering and healing from a heartache just like most of you. I am 28 and just those days after having tons of "broken minded" boyfriends and experiencing their emotional, physical, sexual and moral abuse. Actually I don't even know who broke up with whom in my last relationship but I feel relieved it happened. I understand how difficult is to stay at home all alone at night. Even if you are surrounded with parents, sisters, brothers and good friends, you still feel lonely and heartbroken most of the time. But what's the point to wait for someone to return?


I was desperately in love with many wrong guys. I lost my head over my heels for them. I gave them my heart, my soul and my trust. Over time many people come in and go out of your life. That's how we make the right choices. In time, I unblocked almost all of my exes. The pain of the past is not here anymore and now I just feel a sympathy for their other broken relationships. I see how many times they fell in love with girls after we broke up and how they decided to break up with them too. Don't get me wrong - I haven't became friends nor contacted them. Just one of them found a true love of his life and now he is engaged. I'm truly happy for them. Today I've talked to one guy I was dating and dumped him myself 5 years ago. He is the only one who remained in my contacts and now we talk from time to time as real friends. I mean no fake hints about the past. It's more about the present. He told me how he met a girl a week ago and how happy he is with her. I'm truly happy for him too. And here I've just finished watching that film how a famous man hit that woman many many times confessing his love for her. One day her patience disappeared and she filled for divorce. In time she felt happy again, she is still alive, creating music and guess what? He is dead for 5 years already. Now look how many nice things we can do for ourselves to make us happy, to change our world, to achieve success. Why are we so afraid just to let go the past and look to the front? To search the right person who will love and will cherish us no matter what? I don't want to contact my exes anymore. I never wanted after all of what they've done to me. They destroyed my personality, confidence and self-respect and they still can't find a girl to make them happy. It's not our problems, guys. I just wanted to share all of this with those who feel lonely tonight, who are afraid never to find their true love, who are still waiting to be contacted by the wrong people, who are looking back and maybe even not paying attention to what I've just wrote here. Time heals all wounds and teaches the lesson.


Be strong,

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This is a great perspective on a lot of broken relationships.


It's difficult to see past the heart to reality. Self worth often takes a backseat while grieving a relationship and rarely the truth that one deserves better is believed. Fortunately, the universe gives second chances to realize this. Unfortunately, one may have to go through the pain, tears and confusion to understand. In the end, somehow through the chaos, it is learned that it was for the best and the experience is appreciated.

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