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hey guys!

this is my first time posting here, so it would be great to get your input positive/negative.

i know you probably think me completely insane, but 4 years ago i met a guy. we got to know each other really well in the space of a week. he was amazing! anyway things got a bit serious, but to cut a long story short i ended up pushing him away, not because i didnt like him, but because i was scared. it happened so fast and i was only 16 at the time. i know it is so young, but 4 years on, after losing all contact completely, i still think of him nearly everyday. i guess maybe my experiences over these years have shown me that it really is rare to find someone like him. my question is, is it worth getting back into contact? i know where he lives, is it completely insane to go up their and hope to bump into him?! lol

i would be too embarressed to write/ring/email. what if he doesnt remember me. i have wanted to apologise for the way i treated him for ages. i know it is too late and he probably hasnt given me a second thought since, but still i want to see him again so so so much and make things right.

but how should i do it? the time span makes it almost impossible to do. im sure he would think i was mad!

please help me


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There's nothing wrong with calling or emailing him. Honestly, I think it would be awesome if you did. It would show how sincere you are about how you are feeling. Not many people have the courage to call someone out of the blue. From my experience, many guys seem to find it attractive if someone is confident enough to do something like that. I say go for it!

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ok my opinion is based on my personal experience....sad story, but a lesson ill never forget...


when i was 17 i was with the most amazing guy in the world. extremely handsome mature, funny, great family, 100% muscle bound sweetheart, never hurt a fly, 21 yr old & a virgin at that. well despite how wonderful he was i faught w/ him over stupid things bc i was scrared of commitment & broke up w/ him feb 2001 after 5months or so together... well i dated another, got cheated on, then realized wat a fool i was for leaving such a one of a kind angel!!!! well come sept of 2001 i realized i wanted Joe back, he was 2 amazing. on october 28th (wat woulda been our 1 yr anniversary) i was talking to my friend outside about how i want him back & my plans to surprise him that thanksgiving (a month later) to show up at his house & spill my heart out to him. i knew i loved him. well....i never got that chance...as i was speaking of him that night (our woulda been 1 yr anniversary) my conversation w/ my friend in the street was put on hold, for ambulances & a medevac helicopter disruppted our talk. the loud sirens echoed down the street....little did i know....those ambulances & Med Evac was goin to Joe's car accident .....Joe's FATAL CAR ACCIDENT.... the man i loved, who never touched a drug in his life & never got drunk...was killed by a drunk driver that night...October 28th 2001...what would have been our one year anniversary....my heart still breaks for him & yearns for him. for i never got to tell him how i felt... & who knows maybe if i did tell him sooner, he wouldnt have been in that car he was killed in.......but i try to not think about that. for its a regret i will carry with me forever, but i learned a lesson thats MOST VALUABLE. never keep your feelings inside...u may never get the chance in the future...& that is a haunting feeling...


so please, take my advice & just tell him how u feel & explain what you were going thru & how sorry you are...for i never got the chance, because it was too late for me....so i share this story with you so maybe you wont make the same mistakes i did. regret is the hardest form of self enflicted punishment. so you ask "Is it worth it?"....YES BY ALL MEANS YES its worth it! quite possibly more than you may know!...or more than you may never know...depending on how you handle this situation. good luck hun & follow your heart...you can never go wrong.


take care,


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I think you should pursue this guy. I mean it couldn't hurt. You just had a small fling with him, but obviously this guy made an impression if you're still thinking of him several years later. I'm pretty sure that this guy should recall who you are too.


Just give him a call and see what's up and hang out. People change a lot during the years so you might be surprised to find that he might not be the same person you remember.. well I can assure you that he probably won't, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I mean for example you have changed for the better, wouldn't you say?


You're going to kick yourself later on if you don't meet up with this guy who is such a big part of your life even though he doesn't know it. Give him a call, meet up with him, and just enjoy your time with him. Don't preoccupy yourself with minuscule details like a relationship, kissing, etc. Just let it flow along and see how things take off!


Also, I wouldn't come off spilling my feelings everywhere for him to see. Don't come running off telling him about how you think you two were meant to be and that you love him after four years. Frankly, this is going to scare the guy away most likely. It could be flattering, but overall I would consider it stalkerish. So I would recommend keeping that to yourself until you feel the time is right.


Good luck.

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