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Everything posted by mustangangel

  1. lol thanks finch!i was thinking along those lines too. thanks for all the great replies, advice and positivity. it was definitly what i needed. i good kick up the backside. regrets are too hard to deal with.
  2. hey guys! this is my first time posting here, so it would be great to get your input positive/negative. i know you probably think me completely insane, but 4 years ago i met a guy. we got to know each other really well in the space of a week. he was amazing! anyway things got a bit serious, but to cut a long story short i ended up pushing him away, not because i didnt like him, but because i was scared. it happened so fast and i was only 16 at the time. i know it is so young, but 4 years on, after losing all contact completely, i still think of him nearly everyday. i guess maybe my experiences over these years have shown me that it really is rare to find someone like him. my question is, is it worth getting back into contact? i know where he lives, is it completely insane to go up their and hope to bump into him?! lol i would be too embarressed to write/ring/email. what if he doesnt remember me. i have wanted to apologise for the way i treated him for ages. i know it is too late and he probably hasnt given me a second thought since, but still i want to see him again so so so much and make things right. but how should i do it? the time span makes it almost impossible to do. im sure he would think i was mad! please help me x
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