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Need some friend advice


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I have a friend who is a girl and she has a boyfriend. She wrote this on her blog. Friday night we were talking and she said she was sick of clean up after him and never thought he was ever going to grow up. What are you opinions on this post.


I have a friend who told me that I might have a bit of fear in me. Not fear as in spiders or ghosts, but fear in change and new beginnings. I completely love the idea of change. Change can be good for you, or bad. But if change involves hurting peoples feelings, I tend to stay clear of it.


Never make any rash decisions though, because if you haven’t thought it through enough, you might end up looking back on your decision and seeing what you could have done different. Never get rid of something good, because when it’s gone, it might not ever come back.

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Right my opinion is that life is always changing. Either it be good or bad. You have to be prepared for the worse and always always hope for the best. There's things in life we can only control and that's ourselves. Everything else we shouldn't even waste our time trying to change. Life works in funny ways. Once you change yourself the people around you happen to change too.

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I would say she needs to tell her boyfriend. She isn't his maid. And if he's immature he will grow up but the bad thing about that is it could take 10 years or more.


You might have to hurt people to improve your life, or theirs. Your opinion may hurt them but it could help tramendously.


If you have lost it, you should always try to get it back. Tell it you made a mistake and you want it back. At least you know you tried and 20 years later you don't say damn I should of tried. Been there done that.

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