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Help! My Bestfriend's in love with a Whore!!!

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Okay, My bestfriend, Rusty is like my brother. We're very close, and Im worried about him. He's in love with the town whore!!! Me and her used to be friends and went to school together. I've seen her have multiple boyfriends, and cheat on every serious boyfriend she's ever had! She flirts and leads on every guy in the county!!! She's dated and broken Rusty's heart once before, but she's doing it again! Rusty cant see through her lies and beauty. I know he's going to get hurt! He's a great guy and he really can do better but hes so crazy about her! She tells Rusty that shes going to leave her fiance for him, but, i know how she plays the game. She's just leading him on, i've seen her do it to a thousand guys. I've tried to warn Russ, but he wont hear of it. He just tunes me out. Lately he's been growing distant from me and spending a lot of time with her. I feel like Im losing him. I don't know what to do. He's in trouble and our friendship is too. Will he ever get over this whore? Need Advice!




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Hi Misunderstood_Me,


I am sorry to hear that you are growing apart with your best friend. Unfortunately, I believe that it is because of you telling him how wrong this other woman is for him.


The truth is that love is like an addiction. If someone is addicted to alcohol or drugs, they will only see that they are doing wrong, when they admit it to themselves. Noone else will help them in telling them so. It will just break them away from those people. The same thing goes for love. You cannot tell someone that g/f or b/f is not good enough for them. They have to find out themselves and learn from their situation.


I suggest that you let your best friend make his own 'mistake' in this and help him afterwards if things turn out not to work between him and her. I pretty much did the same thing with my best friend and it turned out to work best for him.


I hope that shed a different light on your thoughts and ideas and I wish you good luck in your friendship with this guy.


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 1 month later...

dear misunderstood_me,

i agree with Swing Fox, he is the one in love and does not think clearly, so just leave him out for now. You kinda know its useless but try to give advice and tell him that he has to fall down in order to learn for himself. That town bitch knows everything, rite? So either go and find that town bitch and warn her to stay away from your friend and tell her that she's hurting people for nothing at all or if that doesn't work, i'm afraid there's nothing u can do.




It might not be useful, but at least it encouraged a little! (i think )

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