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How do I help myself after being left for another?

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Any advice on healing a bruised ego after being left for someone else?


I'm really struggling with this. I feel worthless. I feel like my effort was completely brushed over. It's natural to feel little bits of curiosity for others while in a longterm relationship, but it's all about if you act on it or not. I tried to have that open communication with her whenever either of us were faced with it, but her jealousy made those conversations impossible when I was faced with it. I wish she would have come to me about her concerns over crushes and the like. I wish I wasn't second choice. I feel stupid, ugly, like a big oaf. I'm blaming myself for it getting to the point that she was willing to sacrifice 3 years for the unknown.


I've had tiny little crushes on people before, but I saw it for what it was. I knew that it seemed like a brighter opportunity because our relationship was well past the honeymoon phase. I let it go cuz she was my #1. I feel like a failure that I lost that challenge in her mind.


I'm literally thinking of checking myself into a ward for a few weeks, but school prevents me from doing that. I can't eat, I can't get my mind off of it. I did so well for a little while there, and now I'm right back to feeling like CRAP. I'm definitely done jumping the gun in thinking "whoa, I'm finally feeling better" because it seems as soon as I acknowledge it, it's gone and I'm back to square one.


Any advice?

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Take this from an outsiders perspective.... you were too good for her. Your attitude of her being your number one which made you forget about any other tempations/crushes is such a refreshing/warming thing to read. NEVER feel like a failure. SHE failed you, you didn't fail yourself. Sorry that it didn't work out, you truly do deserve better than how she has made you feel. You will only see this in time.

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Thank you.


I'm proud of myself that I stayed faithful and didn't let my silly little interests make me go astray. I'm just mad that I let someone get the best of me. I'm mad that I didn't get the same consideration. I hope that one day I find someone who will reciprocate my efforts.


This hurts so much. I do wish her the best, but I hope she doesn't repeat these patterns in the future. My only wish is she doesn't do this to the next girl.

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