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Do you think sex is better for men or women?


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Sigh. I see that you're offended, and I'm sorry. But, the statements you're making indicate that you really don't know many facts about a woman's experience of sex. You know YOUR experience, but that's not sufficient to make claims about women in general.

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With most of what you said.


I am not going to respond to references to my inexperience. That's not what this is about and I'm not going there. Nope.


No need to "go there". I'm defending the proper use of scientific references, and I'm defending common knowledge. Nothing personal.

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I am not sure if you can qualify it as "better" than the other sex. I am not sure of the intent of the thread. I do not see the sexes in "competition" but more in co-operation. I hate to think of things as men have this better and women have this better. It is just not really productive to getting along.

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I am not sure if you can qualify it as "better" than the other sex. I am not sure of the intent of the thread. I do not see the sexes in "competition" but more in co-operation. I hate to think of things as men have this better and women have this better. It is just not really productive to getting along.



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I am not sure if you can qualify it as "better" than the other sex. I am not sure of the intent of the thread. I do not see the sexes in "competition" but more in co-operation. I hate to think of things as men have this better and women have this better. It is just not really productive to getting along.


Yep pretty spot on in my book as well...


The whole experience of sex, what is pleasure, what feels good.. etc, is so subjective, it is hard to ever come up with a measurement for it. I am also fully convinced that the level of pleasure would vary GREATLY from person to person, regardless if they are women or men. So the correlation between gender and pleasure, would not be very meaningful.


To say that many women don't enjoy sex because they have bad sex partners, is a way of avoiding the true question. Some men also have problems with ejaculating, and can only do so from masturbation. I believe the question should be focused on two healthy individuals that are great in bed, crazy into each other and give each other the maximum amount of pleasure possible, and then find a way of quantifying that maximum pleasure. Then comparing that maximum pleasure, and see which one is bigger. And have this repeated with as many couples as possible, so that we can get reasonable data distribution.


That would be an analytically scientific way to do it. BUT even then, I believe that the types of pleasure they would feel would differ in so many ways... The pleasure you feel when you bite into your favorite food, completely different from the pleasure you feel when you receive a promotion at work, or when you kid comes and gives you a hug.... I am sure sex involves MANY different types of pleasure and that they differ in men and women. It would be near impossible to quantify these things....

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But you said that you think women enjoy sex more. Other than the fact that women have a clitoris (which I refuted), why do you honestly think sex is better for women?


Physically, only because of the clitoris. It just has more nerve endings = more sensitivity.


And I am not saying that with respects to ALL women, or what really happens in real life. I am talking about the potential for pleasure. The same way for example that men have a higher potential towards physical strength than women, but there are many women that are stronger than men. Men and women (as far as I know), have the same average intellectual potential, yet we have more male highly educated professionals, politicians, etc (due to culture, which is changing).


I am talking about the potential for pleasure, I think most people never reach their full potentials in any aspect of life, and that most women don't come even close to reaching their full potential for sexual enjoyment, because of insecurity, religious taboos (sex is dirty, etc), bad sex partner, etc. I believe women have a higher physical potential for enjoyment, but that most never reach it, due to those reasons. Men have tended to be more liberated in sex, and might enjoy it more on average, but I believe we actually have a lower potential for physical enjoyment.


But anyway...everything is subjective. The biggest sex organ in the body is the brain. As far as I know, we don't know the brain well enough to have even a clue as to how to quantify pleasure in simple things, such as eating, etc, much less so when it comes to sex.


It might be easier for men to orgasm, but, does it feel as intense as a female orgasm? Impossible to know (I think). Also some women cum quicker than their guy... actually, if a guy is cumming before the woman does, they get labelled as "premature"... so.. I dunno, this whole topic is very subjective.

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If we're talking about a heterosexual pairing, men. I was just thinking about this the other day. Most women cannot orgasm from a penis going inside. But men do, of course. Men also orgasm from oral sex, so it seems like they can orgasm more easily from both of those things, where women only orgasm from clitoral stimulation. It's unfair!


On average, you may be right. With the right guy, I'd say it's the opposite.


I can generally make women orgasm from just intercourse. Regardless, I can get them close with some clitoral stimulation at the same time, and finish them with just intercourse. With oral, I've always been able to make my partners orgasm much much quicker than I ever could (I find it really hard to orgasm from a BJ, I don't know why but I do last a long time during sex). And, depending on how energetic I am if I keep it going she can have orgasm after orgasm after orgasm while I just have one. And each one seems bigger than the last until she's literally shaking after each one. So I'm really going to have to say women have it much better. I'm a bit jealous sometimes.


The more I think about it, the more I think if you're a woman and you don't think you have it better, you haven't really had good sex.

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