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im getting obsessive now

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Broke up about 5 weeks ago, with her saying she needed time.


my post was link removed


Have done NC for a week, but keep getting overwhelming feeling that shes going out with someone else and the urge to find out is huge. Not just that i "want to know" , its also bcos i think that maybe shes keeping me as a fallback guy, and if it doesnt work out with the other guy, i could never take her back. So unless i know for sure, she could come back and try with me and i'll never know shes been dating someone else unless i find out for myself.


Tonight, Friday is her best day for going out, and urge to wait near her house and see if she gets picked up in car by another guy is too much. Part of me says dont, just leave it, but cant get over feeling that i must know. Someone stop me please.

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Your shouldn't go wait outside her house, BAD IDEA. This kind of behavior could lead to more serious things. You don't want to turn into a stlaker and have to be publicly humilated in court for a restraining order. As for her call her up and ask her what her feelings about you are. If she says she has none fine, there are plenty of weman that need a loving guy out there. If she says that she still has feelings for you but she is dating someone else, than you two need to go for a little walk and talk about the whole sitution, i mean don't hold anything back let her know how you feel about her.Still you shouldn't dwell on one girl in you life.



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Archiep - I just put in a post about two weeks ago about this. When your ex leaves you, assume that they are with someone else. Many, many people can't be alone, and they need someone else to fulfill their needs.


How much contact have you had with her? If she has not contacted you, I can almost guarantee she is with someone else. I hate to burst your bubble, but just accept it and move on. A lot of people do not have the guts to leave their current gf/bf unless they have someone else. And if they do not find someone else, they will probably contact you. That is why I asked if she had contacted


Do not go by her house.


It was kind of bittersweet for me - my ex gf dumped me on a Tuesday, and I saw her out holding hands with someone that weekend!!! It sucked at the time, but it was almost better because I didn't have to wonder about it anymore.

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Please follow SuperDave's advice. You need to be strong right now, and waiting outside of her house to see what she's up to tonight shows much weakness, and you could even scare her. It has been 5 weeks, so you should call her and don't be pushy about getting back together, just tell her exactly how you feel, and if/when she feels the same way, she will let you know.


I know how much you are hurting right now, I'm at 6 weeks having been dumped. You need to show her what a great person you are, relationship or no relationship.


Good luck to you.

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Hey friend!!!


I kind of stalked my -ex- twice and felt sorry for myself right after. What if you find out that she's home alone? what if someone comes to pick her up? Would she come back home with him? Would they have sex? Is it serious or just a one night stand? ????????????


My advice is : dont go there because it will not change anything you will regret it. I know it's tough not to know what the other person is doing but the faster you think about yourself, the faster you will heal and forget about her. Think about it buddy and hope you'll follow my advice.


***English is my second language***

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