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I have returned


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It has been years. I have returned to share a piece:


Mind Apocalypse


rain drops splatter loud storm thundering

there goes my crown hit the ground crumbling

life fades too fast

check point

throw coins free

paid fines for the golden pass


step back big sorrow steps

bring back

wasted time spent

wish you would've went

so fix the past

f*ck it next time go

no blind

toughen up

never deaf

listen enough


pilot mode on auto

switch to grand theft audio

red flash meant go

until there's nothing really left


yeah and here I am still standing with my


sad face

wife hates

no place

no bliss

no grace

all punk

no poise no nothing no toys

child cry

broken empty

harsh full tank

words spoken

drilled echo pain

full noise


heart pain


feign silent dream

shot flash brains

car crash scream passed

bad past

revolution failed

evolution big name

waste clean waste bad taste

that solution never came


go wait empty plate spoiled humor fed stupor generational raid with a hint of blue sued

turned red


countless dead

blank heads

spoiled mind

bow tie

all blind

no sight click it

first class ticket

short flight

dead end

free fall

police calls

violent fight

no bed

long nights


riots bleed angry earth fed

crowd moist wrong

spilled splat blood web


tears flow bombs off

friends die

moms cry

fathers ask why

pride ends

kids fly white


gates, locks, clouds shed

loud wings storm in

dark sounds

pockets full

posey stained fluent with

a rose red cause

what goes around comes around

then we all fall down

enough said

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