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Help!! What to do??


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I'm crazy for this girl. Im a senior shes a junior (in highschool). We use to have a thing back in February, she ended it. I texted her for the first time since then on monday. We were texting okay, she would sometimes text back right away, but then would take a while to respond. She kept conversation going. She even sent me a picture of her leg she hurt in powder puff. But she just then randomly didn't respond.


I then texted her yesterday and we texted for like 3 hours. She was sending and and stuff like that. She kept conversation going, but then she just randomly didn't text me again.


Whats up with that? I will NOT double text. I follow her on twitter and she doesn't follow me, and she tweeted after she didn't respond to me.

Im confused. Why would she be all then stop texting randomly?


do i text her today, tomorrow, or wait to see if she texts me?

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Hi Casualdude,

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. As a girl, I have 3 different interpretations about her motivations:

1. She doesn't like you back, and is just being friendly again after breaking things off with you. Sometimes people feel guilty towards those they've hurt/dumped/rejected in the past, so they try to be extra-friendly and accommodating, which can send the wrong signal.

2. She likes the ego-boost of knowing that some guy out there in the world (i.e. you) is interested in her. This is especially likely if she just got rejected by another guy or something.

3. She's confused, she thought she didn't like you but there's some small trace of doubt in her mind.


I'd take #3 with a huge grain of salt though. Personally, I think its better to find someone new rather than try to make someone like you if they're not 100% sure.


My advice: be friendly but don't make it obvious that you like her. Spend time with other women as friends and be open to new possibilities. If she doesn't come to you on her own, then she just doesn't like you enough. Good luck!

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