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I wrote this after I finished a math test earlier than I thought I would. We had a slam poem (poetry performed to a rythm, hip-hoppish) due the next day for my Poetry and Drama class and this is what I came up with. (By the way, I got an A+




Distilled rainwater

Collecting in cracked craters

On halved metal plates

Shading over blood.

No longer boiling.

Hidden in rudimentary tin,

Shielded from recognition.

Sketches, contracts, lies

In piles under discolored rags,

Wet and withered.

From the apathetic answer,

To a slowly dying prayer.

In the reflections

Of countless shattered windows

There were droplets of garnet,

Descendents of mournful memories;

Unreachable yet concrete

Refracting directly in front of me

Under its crimson rays.

Page after page of hypocrisy

Overturned by building exasperation

Decomposed letter by letter

Line by line, story by story.

'Til nothing remained but

Charcoaled aspirations set adrift

By liberating currents,

Never to return.

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NO ONE HAS REPLIED TO THIS!!!! This is great!


Man I love it, something about it just got me. The words with their complexity, still have amazing rhythm. The pattern and the feel of it is excellent.


A little confused on the message, but all in all great writing. I wanna see some more of your stuff.



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