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How do I get from stranger to dating?


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In my head I think of dating as two complete strangers see each other, ask each other out, and that is how people end up dating. I kind of think this is not how things work.


So like if I like someone, what are the typical ways to get that person from being a total stranger to dating?


I don't have anyone in mind. I just want to be able to know how to for when I need it.

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I don't even know how it happens. The stranger thing is part of why dating terrifies me. How are you supposed to go from barely knowing someone to ...dating them? It makes no sense to me.


People are awkward and nervous on dates because they have such high expectations of this stranger they barely know. It's awful.

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I don't know your scenario but if I like someone, I will walk up to them and simply talk. I observe body language, interest level (yeah, you will know if they like you or you annoy them, its that fast!) and then I'll bluntly ask, in a smooth way, if they are seeing anyone SPECIAL!! Most times, a simple head nod or maybe show me a necklace or ring. I smile and nod and tell them whoever he is is a lucky man. It's a compliment and most take it well and that ends that. I shut off and go about my business.


Now this works for me and when I'm finished dying of broken heart I'll probably go back to it. Maybe, who knows. It works and there have been alot of situations where one of those "taken" girls will come up to me and tell me they are single. I always take a number and ask if lunch or dinner is preferable.


Point? People make it known they are interested in you and if that doesn't happen, then you either don't know what flirting is or you should probably stop looking for love in the monastery. Just saying. I wish you luck.

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I've never been able to tell if anybody has ever been interested. In fact, I'm of the belief that nobody has EVER been interested. I just get the feeling that I annoy people. I can't read signs at all.


What else would honestly explain why I'm a 30 something male who's never found anybody? Yeah, sure I'm shy. But I do try and make the effort to talk to people. Don't know how to take it any further.

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Lots of dating sites out there. You can start to make things easier for yourself. Lots of research and articles about meeting people too.


The stranger to dating thing isn't weird. Two people that have a common goal and interests can form a bond. It's actually rather simple since we are programmed to bond and couple.

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