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Should I continue this relationship?


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I've been dating my boyfriend for about 7 months already. And in the beginning, everything was great. He came to visit me constantly and gave me mini surprises such as bringing me meals to my job (we live a bit of a distance from each other so it was sweet). We texted constantly and almost always video chat with each other every night.


But recently, I started noticing that he was not doing some of the things he used to do. Our video chats slowly tapered to a complete stop, our texts became less frequent (he still remembers to wish me good morning every day, but after that, the replies are pretty far in between), and he started complaining more about coming out to visit me.


There's also the fact that my best friend feels as if I put more effort into this relationship than he does. Like I go to visit him a lot, but since my university is close to his place, he always tell me "Oh, you're not coming ONLY to visit me so it doesn't really count" when I try to use that in my argument to make him visit me sometimes instead. And recently, I moved closer to the school as well as closer to his place, but he rarely visits so it's not a distance issue.


However, I also try to look at it from his point of view. Maybe it's just a normal guy's thing to start cutting down on the attention after a while. He's also a busy pharmacy student getting ready to graduate next year. So I sometimes tell myself that he might not visit because he's tired from constantly working on rotation sites/his normal job (he basically works 7 days a week with this rotation sites/job).


I mean, overall, he's a nice guy. He worries about my progress in pharmacy school and reminds me to study constantly. And he makes references to us in the future sometimes (ie. me helping with decorating his apartment when he gets one in 3 years, us going out to dinner when he gets his first real paycheck as a pharmacist, him helping me with some things after I graduate in 2 years). So it seems as if in his mind, we'll be staying together for a while.


I just don't know what to think right now about the whole situation. I like him a lot, but the waning attention has me worried that I'm putting too much into this relationship and him not putting in as much as I am into this relationship. This is my first serious relationship so any input would be really helpful. Thank you!

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He's also a busy pharmacy student getting ready to graduate next year. So I sometimes tell myself that he might not visit because he's tired from constantly working on rotation sites/his normal job (he basically works 7 days a week with this rotation sites/job).
This is likely your answer.
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That's what I thought it was too and that's why I let it go...but I just feel as if the little things he did before (like video chats at night) are just fading away. We still chat but it's mostly through gmail chat instead of video with his answers mostly an hour apart.


Would you call this the "getting comfortable" phase? Because I'm pretty sure the time he used to use for video chats/talking to me more are going towards him playing computer games.

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