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Please help I am so confused

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I am So confused. Last year I met who I believe to be the love of my life. It was at this little teen club. And the very first night I met him we got together after a night worth of dancing. Well i didn't give him my number so i didn't talk to him for 2 whole months. Well i guess it was coincedince that one day he pops up at my friends house the same time as me. I was so happy but him being a boy i thought what anybody would after two months of not speaking he forgot about me (keep in mind we got together the first time we met) But to my surprise we were still together. So from then on we were a perfect couple. He called me i called him it was all good. Especially because he showed so much affection and i need it. After about four and a half months him and i had sex. After one time another and another. He was a part of me and i was a part of him. By the end of the fourth month tho i was hearing too many rumors about him cheating on me. I even caught him in situations that he seemed like he was cheating. But i loved him so i trusted him but by the end of the 5th month it was too much so i let him go. And i guess we have a thing for two month seperations because we separated for another two months and we didn't call or anything. But two months later, a lil after halloween he called me. The first thing he admited is to having feelings for me. so the next two weekends he came over, we hooked up (as in had sex) and the third week we got back together. Then in january my cousin who is also my best friend came to visit in lancaster. She is younger than i am by a few months. We kept talking about the way my boyfriend began treating me. He acted like i was nothin. He was lettin his brothers and his friends call me a ho and a bitch. and me and her began talking about how we felt he would end up doing the same thing. I said if he called me out of my name i wuold leave him and sure enugh only like one week later he did. I was shocked and i didnt know what to do. I couldnt think so i just said it was over. I never knew how much i would regret it. But he got with someone else. Now when it comes to boys i say i am obsessd with him. I think about no other boy but him. A bunch of boys are asking me out but i only want to be with Cameron.( my ex;s name by the way) Well to my luck i guess Cam and his girl broke up a week ago. So now i have a chance but i am too shy to tell him anything and i feel like he likes his ex more than me. I am confused and thats why i am posting this. Somebody please help me and let me know what i should do. Should i talk to him and express myself and see what happens or is he not good? Many people say i deserve better. I know it's my problem but if anyone can help and tell me what they think i would really appreciate it because i really love this boy and i know he loves me too. Well at least i think he does. But i really feel like i want to be with him and he doesn't want to be with me. And i can't talk to him. I know he loves conversation but i dont know what to say. Can anyone help on that too?

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I hate to break this to you, but even if you and cameron get back together what makes you think it won't happen again? I think you should let him go and find someone who:


1. Won't cheat on you, or allow rumors like that to be started.

2. Won't Talk behind your back.

3. Break up with you and use you like an object.


Have respect for yourself over everything else its the most important thing right now, being obsessed is actually something you can control its a matter of willpower you can get over him if you try hard enough.

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Hi LilDee,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am sorry to hear that you're not really getting comfortable with Cameron. I understand that you still have deep feelings for him.


My concern is that you will end up fighting with him again. If you get back together would you fight again? Is he going to start the rumours again or talk behind your back? Are you gonna trust him 200%? Can you?


You see, all these question that needs to be addressed, when you feel like getting back together. You still have feelings for him, because feelings and emotions don't go away overnight, regardless which one of you breaks up. It takes time to heal, but eventually time will heal your wounds.


My question to you is: wouldn't it be easier to date someone else? I hope that you'll be able to answer this question and I hope that my reply helped you somewhat in making the right decision that works for you. I wish you good luck and strength to make those decisions.


~ SwingFox ~

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When u want to love someone real good n that person knows it HE'll always treat u bad.Most guys will treat BAD their women when they know the lady cannot do without them.sweety try n forget about Cam cos if he calls u the names ple call u he surely does not respect u but what is more of REAL LOVE than having a woman who TRULY LOVES u n is will to take u as u r.But with this behaviour u have given him a chance to make it work n after a week he DID it again.Try n forget aba him n try something which makes u happy n WILL not cause any harm or lewad to anything BAD on ur own.lifes beta to be happy with urself than someone making u happy.let's chat more ma msn ID is email removed'S GOOD TO LOVE BUT DON'T LOVE IF U "WILL" NOT BE LOVED BACK N BETA.

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