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How would you guys feel if your GF has a male friend who invites her out on weekends despite knowing Im her BF. Moreover, on one phone call I overheard him insulting me to which I responded back. I asked her to speak to him about it yet she has not and continues to be in contact with him but not socialize with him. She said she cant just cut him off. But Im made to feel bad for being upset.

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1. If she's not defending you in any way, I would question where you stand.

2. Yes girls and guys can be just friends, but I don't believe they can be close and just friends.

3. I've seen many situations like yours and it always turned out that the girl is cheating or have feelings for this other guy.

4. I agree with the previous poster, she had no respect for you in that situation and you should probably confront her.


That's just my opinion from a female perspective.

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Mate, I've just read your previous thread. This girl doesn't respect you. She's treating you more like an inconvenience than a boyfriend. As someone who has been in your shoes before, I implore you, please respect your self and get out of this.


Edited to add - I'm not a betting man but I'd stick a pony on him and her having 'history'. Am I right?

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