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Really cliche but I honestly don't think I'm ever going to get over my ex?


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He was my first love, and my first real boyfriend. He possessed every quality I'd want in a boyfriend and even more than that. He changed me as a person, and when I was with him I felt different about myself and about life, and I'd have conversations with him I'd never been able to have with anyone else. I also completely understood his sense of humour, and loved it. When we were together, for me time didn't exist. It was just us, and the world revolving around us.


Then he broke up with me after getting to college, I'm sure you guys reading this could find it laughable and I don't blame you. I don't even blame him for breaking up with me, we were only together for 3 or so months, and he's now dived into a whole new world. I do think I cared about him more than he cared about me, even though when we were together he showered me with affection that I believe was genuine.


I just feel like this perfect, fairly tale relationship is going to hinder my ability to ever fully move on. We'd only started hanging out 6 or so months ago, and in that short time I never found any faults in him. Any time I meet guys now, I immediately pick out things I don't like about them and compare them next to him.


And moving on is really hard too, because we left off on good terms. (He even had me laugh once or twice during the breakup phone call, ***!) He gave me hope there was a chance of us getting back together, and any time I text him he still responds incredibly friendly. Doesn't help that we're practically next-door neighbours and he'll be back next summer, nor does it help that I want to apply at the place he has a summer job (only partly because he works there, mostly because it's right up the street and convenient).


I honestly feel like my life wouldn't be complete without him a part of it in some way, not even necessarily romantically. Even just as a friend, to be able to have a person I connect so well with would make me happier. Everyone keeps giving advice to cut off contact completely, fully move on, but I can't let myself. I'm not bitter, i'm perfectly okay with him dating other girls and moving on himself, as long as he wants to remain friends (which he has said he does). I was planning to go to his school next year too (and take the same course as him!) but I'm thinking of moving to a different city 2 hours away from there instead (the same city he says he might want to move to someday...)


What if us staying sort of friends now will mean 10 years down the line we're in the same city and really close friends? Isn't is worth it to stay in touch for this? I want to know what other people think, and if this has worked for them, or if this sounds like a good idea for me. Thanks a lot

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What active steps are you taking every day to move on from this? Please list all of them.


Instead of focusing on what being his friend would mean for you, focus on what staying away from him could do to help you. He did not feel the same way you did. If he had, he wouldn't have left you. If he truly reciprocated the nature and intensity of your feelings, he'd have stayed with you.

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