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For those who are unemployed


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I was recently unemployed for about four months. I actually just made a thread on it. I applied to about 85 jobs in total, but I didn't spend that long on the computer looking for them because I sent the same resume to almost every job. I'd say 1-2 hours a day. I used to make more 'tailored' resumes, but I found that most of the companies didn't even read the online ones (I clicked that I wanted receipt on read and got none), so I would just send the same old one to everyone. Sometimes I would change the cover letters, but only SLIGHTLY. For anyone who says 'spray and pray' doesn't work, I got a lot of interviews that way, although it took me awhile to get a job since I was very awkward in interviews and had to go for interview practice at a career centre.

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I spent several hours a day sending out resumes (w/covers). I also went on a TON of interviews (sometimes 2-3 for the same company; so frustrating). The job market is horrible right now. Things turned for me when I connected with several staffing agencies. I ended up getting a job through one, though it took three interviews with the company they sent me to.

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Do not give up people.


I had 18 Months of unemployment which was down to my business going down the tubes because of not being able to compete with Supermarkets.


At the start I was applying for jobs in my area of expertise but in the end it was for ANYTHING.


Anyway I have suffered from agoraphobia for 20+ years due to childhood abuse so getting back out there was not very easy for me and being unemployed made matters worse due to too much time thinking about my problems.


I was on very little money and my savings which I thought may last went.


I was in a huge hole.


Finally I decided to put my house on the market and leave the town I grew up in for a fresh start away from memories and people who were no support.


After moving I decided to stick a notice on a board in the local shops to hopefully land a few cleaning jobs which did work and I had 4 houses a week to clean.


It was not great but at least it paid the bills and the money was not too bad but I was still applying for anything.


Anyway two Months ago I finally got a break when I went for a job which I honestly did not think I would get in a million years as a recruitment consultant at an oil firm.


Now I am back working and I have money to pay my way which for me is massive as I am now starting to get my life back on track even tho I do still suffer from panic attacks they are not as bad as before.


All I wanted to say is to keep going and do not give up.


I have no idea whether this helped me get the job but I was reading a book and then watched the DVD The Secret.


Now I am never one for believing in anything that says you can better your life with positive thoughts but it did help me alot so maybe if this helps you then give it a go.


Anyway I hope you all find work soon and keep believing in yourselves even tho others may not.


Thank you for listening even tho you had no choice

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