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Some times I really hate the world.


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I mean we live in a world where people are starving, dying, and suffering. Yet all everyone seems to really care about is fashion and looking good. We are living in a world where the conceded flaunt how amazing and beautiful they are. I mean child beauty pageants, stupid reality TV shows, pregnant teenagers, news covering crap that isn't news, a war on terror that kep going and pretty much led to the worst economic crisis in decades. It's like living in a world where I'm the only sane person left what ever happened morals? What ever happened to actually putting ourselves and our families first and setting a good example for the next generation instead of letting kids with eating disorders and sex scandals be our children's role models. Then once these kids actually make headlines people poke and prod at every little thing it's like we as a species have devolved into cannibal piranhas.


We also get hypocrites as heroes in our mainstream entertainment and characters who are everything that an average person could never hope to be and often times we get villains that are more human then the actual protagonists. It's like humanity has forgotten how to be human. Call me crazy but for once I'd like to see a series with actual people not freaking super models. With characters that have real problems and are normal not some freakish bizarre profound intelectual who starts every episode with a quote and dumb monologue(yes I'm talking about One Tree Hill). I mean news flash you can't solve every problem with a hug and not every single person can be a saint or magically just stop drinking, drugs, or get over their crap.


Hell some times you just got to be angry to be angry. I also get there is a lot of interest in the basic high school and society stereo types but for once cant we see a story about the guy or girl that nobody knows the person that's in the back ground just completely unknown to the world. The person that may as well not exist. The person you don't know but knows you. The person who actually has to struggle through life just to put food on the table. The person who goes through life hearing about other peoples problems and how hard life for those people is when really that person would kill for their life.


I apologize if this was weird or bizarre I'm very tired and running on fuems and really I'm probably not making much sense but oh well I needed to vent.

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I hear ya. I feel the same. I recently visited a childrens home of burn survivors. While our president is buying jets and drinking expensive champagne, there isn't money for these kids to have saurgery bcoz there is not enought supplies in hospital bcoz they have no money. Ppl are living in shacks, $20 000 dollars could go towards buildin houses instead of spending it on a lavish fashion show. If everyone could just stop being all fashionable and rich. And help the less fortunate, we'd make a huge difference!!!

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There's no right or wrong answer, but I'll share my thoughts...


There's a reason why this is happening. Because we are selfish humans, the way nature intended us to be.

Just think, why are the rich and powerful not supporting the needy? Why does the media show the things that it does, knowing that people are starving themselves to try and look like models?

Because that's just how humans are. Imagine yourself in those situations. Imagine yourself as President of America. How did you get there? To get to the top you'd need a different way of thinking, one that doesn't involve spending most of your country resources to help other countries. If you were the President of America, I guarantee you that your thought processes would be so different that helping the needy in other countries is at the bottom of your priority list.

Now imagine yourself as the head of a TV network. What would you show? Documentaries about the needy? No-one wants to see that.

[Why not? Because of the division of empathy and sympathy. There are millions of people dying of starvation. We divide up our sympathy, millions of times. Therefore, we do not care about each child that is starving in Africa. But if there was someone stuck in a mine, we put our hearts out to them because our sympathy isn't divided up millions of times.]

Everyone would rather see something that keeps them happy. It's just the way things are, we are all selfish whether we want to admit it or not. So TV networks show us what we want to see - fashion, cooking, reality TV, pregnant teens. It's closer to what they can relate to.


We cannot change anything. You say that if you had the power to fix some of these issues you would. But when you actually have the power, your thought process changes and you'd be like everyone else, not caring about the real issues.


And by the way, we're animals just like lions and giraffes. You don't see one lion herd helping out another lion herd because they see them starving do you? It's because we're all selfish, only caring for our own luxuries and survival.

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In Ancient Roman times it was "bread and circuses".......now it's fast food and reality TV. If the population is kept fed and entertained, they wont rise up and revolt.


Anyway, I get the feeling that you're watching all these shows that you are being so dismissive of. Otherwise you wouldn't be so angry. So, if you feel that strongly about it.....turn off the TV! That way you're not being a part of the problem. If people didn't watch these shows they wouldn't be made.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On my life, anytime I read about these reality shows--not to mention these opinion shows passing themselves off as "news"--sometimes I want to drown these networks' buildings in gasoline and set them afire. There's almost no redeeming value in corporate networks these days. You'll say I have anger issues and I'll reply "damn right" because there's too many willfully ignorant people who will let so few destroy my country.

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