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How do u get someones attension??

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I like this guy at skool, Micheal, just i don't know how 2 get his attension and make him talk 2 me.


I try 2 kinda act like him, but it looks like he does not notice my existence anyways.


He always hang around near my locker at skool, but only because his friend's locker is next to mine.


But even tho he still does not show the slight notice of my existence.


I'm in almost all his classes, he usually sit facing me, in the back of me or in front of me.


I know he's really good at soccer, in gym class.


Should i complement the way he plays, or will it look like i totaly like him???


What should i do to get his attension????

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I would say, at 13... what did I do... I think I was too confused to be thinking about girls. Careful because he might get embarrassed if you show any affection. I remember being very defensive, and shy... so don't feel rejected if he does something you feel upset about... its just because he doesn't know how to react to the situation. Try just saying hi as you walk by him outside of class... then the next day say hi to him at your locker. Smile, and just grab your bag and go. And keep on doing it until he says hi to you first. Then talk to him.


Thats how I'd do it.



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well, it depends on the situation. If he is walking alone.... then smile and say hi. If he is with the guys, don't look at him.


He needs to be alone to say hi to him your right.


You see at my age, if I were to say hi to some random girl, she wouldn't think anything of it. If a girl were randomly to say hi to me I would be curious about her... and if she were attractive I would be more willing to turn around and say something back.


At your age however, a guy will feel pressured... shy... confused. Though he will think of it at home... however sometimes his guy friends will start to make fun of him about it and all, but if he is a good guy he will stick to his own opinion of you.


So I would say give it a shot... hey you may end up with a friend.



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Ugly and Fat? Please remove those words from your vocabulary.


I'm not going to relate all the catch phrases you've likely heard beyond that.


Anyway, say hi, and use his name. If you don't yell it to him from accross a crowded room or make a big issue of it, it's likely he'll just say hi back or at least give you a reaction to go on.


Good Luck!



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