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Delusional thoughts about reality/getting back together?

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i'm coming up 10weeks breakup, one week NC, and i find i'm really struggling with moments of being delusional about reality?


i hope i can make this make sense....

i find myself feeling like eveything is or could be okay if i call him, the feelings of when the relationship was good wash over me and thinking if i talked to him we could work it out and go back to normal.

i see other friends/couples together and think 'oh if they are happy so could we be' like im in some sort of fairy land


i really have to struggle to bring myself back to reality and to not contact him and remember he doesn't care anymore!


is this just part of denial? its not that im consciously thinking no no no we can't be broken up blah blah blah. i actually feel like everything is ok and normal.


maybe its because part of me still doesn't want to let him go, even though i know i have to, letting go means letting go forever and thats scary

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No you're not at all delusional. What you're feeling and going through is perfectly normal and to be expected. I feel like I could have written your post and I probably did at one point.


It's really hard to let go of hope and stop feeling like if only I did this or he did that we could make it work and be happy. I've also seen my friends go through hardships and made it through and wondered if they can overcome theirs, why can't we overcome ours.


I wish I had more advice for you, but please know you're definitely not alone.



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