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I have never been the type to eat when I'm depressed. I've always either been so depressed that I couldn't eat or my eating patterns would remain the same regardless. Well, lately I haven't been so lucky. What can I do besides eating when I feel depressed? I just recently lost 30 pounds (about 6 months ago, maybe more) and I'm extremely worried about gaining it back. I didn't starve myself to lose it. I counted calories and got on the treadmill everday for an hour. But lately I can't even get on the treadmill b/c I've been so depressed. I'm terrified of getting fat again. I used to be anorexic/bulemic a few years back. I don't think that I'll ever get that way again, but sometimes I think about it. When I wasn't eating anything I soon lost my appetite all together and it was just much easier to stay thin that way. Then I started eating and gained 50 lbs since my metabolism was shot. That's the main reason I don't want to end up anorexic/bulemic again. I just got my metabolism back on track. ANYWAY...My question again, what can I do besides eating when I'm feeling down?

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Hmmm, eating when you are depressed. I remember reading something about a woman who had this concern about her husband, one day while he was at work she basically cleared out the house of all the fatty food and replaced it with only healthy food!


It might work....


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I know this seems repetitive but excercise does wonders. A few years back I joined a gym and I felt great.

After my membership expired and I quit excercising, my mood went down and my depression rebounded.


Excercise is truly therapy in itself. Try excercising w/ friends. You'll feel better!

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I know that exercise is effective. After all I did lose 30 pounds as a result of exercise. But the problem is I just can't get the motivation to do it. I will every once in a while. But I just don't have the fire in me that I used to. Now it's just a tiny little ember in need of some kindling.

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If you feel that you are lacking the motivation then you could spice things up a little by trying out new exercices so that you arent so bored - if you have never done something before then sign up for a class which teaches it!


I used to run the same route everyday but i found that by simply changing it around a little helps loads! Occasionally i run the route in the opposite direction, run a different route or do it a few times on my bike!


Having a friend with you can also help a lot - when you cant be bothered you will find that you want to do it so that you arent hindering your friends progress, its also great to have someone to talk to! If none of your friends can commit to it then what about a pet - my friend runs with his dog!


Good luck, i hope this helps.


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