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Not going to lie...I'm LONELY

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I posted earlier about how I went on my ex's twitter and saw that she talks to a guy. I really believe she had been involved with this character for awhile. Whatever. It hurts. It sucks. But I know I'll get over it.


Above all, I am extremely lonely now. I had sex with a girl that my friend Ant hooked me up with to days after the final breakup, but I was still thinking about my ex. I went on 3 dates with girls from an online dating site, but those didn't go well. It's only been a month and people on here tell me to take time for myself, but I was single for five years before my ex and in the past year i got used to always having that love and attention and someone to talk to while I was all the way in Oklahoma. Im so lonely now and as large as I am, I really want to cry like a baby.


I go to school in the middle of NOWHERE out in the Oklahoma Panhandle. There is hardly any females at my school and the ones that live on this small campus are either ugly, racist or have a boyfriend. It hurts so bad to know that this girl didn't want me and she moved on. I'm young, black and handsome and I am stressing over a girl who didnt even look all that great, had a nasty attitude towards me and broke my loyal heart. In depressed times like these I really wish I was back in Jersey in my room watching netflix. Someone pray for me. Someone help me!!!!

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Try not to look on twitter, facebook, or any type of those sites where you can see what she is doing because it just makes it harder and longer to get over the breakup. She could also be looking at your things too so I would block her so you cant see hers, and she cant see yours because it makes her curious about what you are up to and if you're with other women too. And you described her as not even a good person so you need to move on from this girl and find someone that will treat you right and you get the same respect and love in return. Good luck.

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