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Are women turned off by gynecomastia and stretch marks?


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I have a pretty nasty case of gynecomastia, myself. For me, I think it's just genetics. Couldn't tell you about how girls think about it, as I've never been shirtless around a girl (or anyone, really). It's definitely something that bugs me, though, and it makes me nervous about the possibility of ever being with a girl. I've been pondering on getting the corrective surgery, but my concern with that is that the gynecomastia may come back later on, and then I would've wasted a few thousand dollars on a temporary solution.

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I have gynecomastia and a lot of stretch marks on my body, will women be turned off by this?


I'm sure it doesn't turn on most girls. That's besides the point, if you didn't have stretch marks and gyno, you'd probably be using something else as a crutch such as your height.


Quit worrying about things you can't change, it's not healthy, and won't get you anywhere.

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I would be turned off by gynecomastia. Stretch marks are ok but obviously, not preferrable. If gynecomastia and stretch marks are affecting your self-esteem and chances in experiencing pure pleasure with women, then why not resort to plastic surgery? It doesn't have such a taboo as it once did, in this vain, vain world.

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The biggest turn-off is a guy who's not comfortable in his own skin. If you're comfortable with yourself, then there will be women that will be as well--maybe not all, but that's fine. Women have different tastes. As for me, I'm with FrenchFries. By the time I get that close with a guy I like him enough that any physical things that could be perceived as flaws just make me love him more, solely because they are his.


On the other hand, if you're not comfortable, then that will come accross in your interactions with women and you might want to think about correcting them. (Side note: Mederma works wonders for stretch marks.)

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I have a touch of it. Not bad now. When I first hot puberty, it was really bad.


First, in my case, it's totally genetic. My grandpa carried a little fat there, my dad carried a little fat there, and so do I.


No woman I've been with has ever brought it up. Like tallydoo said, if she's already going to sleep with you, it's not like she's just going to get up and run away, lol.


I would also recommend dieting and living with it unless you're rich. The surgery is like five grand. I lift hard and I've been cutting weight (down to around 200 from 215 at 6-3 or 6-4) and tha's helped it a lot. It much less noticeable if you eat right.


The main thing is being comfortable with yourself. Don't use anything like that as an excuse to not try to get women. It's a non-issue, but I would recommend working out and eating well too improve it. It won't completely go away, but it will look better.

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As for me, I'll admit, I'm not exactly in the best shape, but I'm not really overweight. Maybe a few extra pounds, but I'm still pretty small compared to most people. I'm pretty sure my chest has looked like it does for all my life, so I'm not sure eating better or exercising more would make much of a difference. Heck, back when I was 16-18, I was a bit lighter, and my eating habits were a little better than they are right now, and I still looked exactly the same.


This may sound weird, but I often try to look at huskier guys when I can (not in a homosexual way, just to compare myself, yanno?), and it seems like even guys who are huskier and/ or chubbier than me have more guy-like chests than I do. So, I'm not really sure where that leaves me. Like I said, I've contemplated the surgery, and I could afford it right now if I wanted to, but I'm still wary, and concerned that it may not be a permanent fix.


God forbid I ever have a girlfriend. @_@ I wonder if girls would be okay with a guy leaving his shirt on when it comes to more, er, "intimate" situations?

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I have gynecomastia and a lot of stretch marks on my body, will women be turned off by this?


The last guy I dated had stretch marks, I didn't care at all. I've never known a guy with gynecomastia, but I wouldn't care. As long as he treats me right and our personalities click, these other things are just minor details that don't matter.

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Do some incline bench press, not even joking. You'll still have gyno, but if you can get your pecs "muscly" enough, it should hide it a bit more.


Actually, it depends on where the fat accumulation is (lower, behind the nipple, etc.). Guys I know that have had gyno have differing results with incline work. If you lose body fat in general through lifting and eating to match, then you *may* see a reduction in the gyno, but not always. Depends on the guy.


Some of the guys I'm talking about have it genetically and many from lack of proper PCT.

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Yeah, I've never done pro-hormones or anabolic steroids ever. I've only used all natural test boosters. Mine was totally genetic.


My drop in body fat has it looking pretty good right now compared to what it was, but diet and exercise won't make it disappear completely.


Like I said, the good news is, no women I've ever been with has said anything.

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I've never been with a guy with gynecomastia, but I just can't see it turning me off from someone. For some reference, all guys I had been with previously have been very thin, but the guy I'm currently seeing has quite the beer belly. But I just don't care. I like him, he's amazing, and it's just part of the package.


Stretch marks don't matter at all on men or women. I've got 'em, most guys I've been with have them somewhere. Whether it's from puberty or losing weight, they just aren't a big deal.

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Just to clarify, gynecomastia primarily refers to too much breast tissue in a man. It can be due to genetics, certain medications, or hormonal imbalances. If it's just fat/adipose tissue, that would be pseudogynecomastia, which is much more reversible through simple weight loss.

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Just to clarify, Op is talking about gyno. He's not talking about fat. Gyno in men is actual breast tissue, not fat.


Yes. I can feel tissue though, under the nipples. Some of it is fat, but, as tall as I am I could drop down to 160 or 170 and there would still be the tissue there.

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