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I am really stressed out


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Ok lately I have been really stressed out to the point of wanting to die. My mom told me that she wanted to die because I don't live with her. Well in December I will be moving in with her and I don't know how long

I can live in that house without killing myself. I will be all alone at night and that is normally when I carve. And I will probably start smoking if I get too stressed out. I really don't know what to do. I mean I know what is best for my mom but not for me. I am going to the doctoer Friday because I am so stressed out my body hurts.




Depressed, stressed and dying

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If you got to smoke you have to smoke. It is all about survival, if that is something you have to do to get by then you have to do it.


Now I don't know if I understood you right...you don't wan to live with your mom? But because she said she would kill herself you would move in with her? And what are you carving?



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hey hang in there. believe me, i know what stress is like and it's awful. do yourself a favor and try and reduce this stress by simple techniques. breathe more, slow down, relax, take a walk or exercise. you can do it. check this site out, it helps

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i admire your willingess to get help and help your mom, you sound like a really nice person. please don't let this stress and anxiety get the best of you, you can get through it! do one thing at a time, dont get overwhelmed. take care!

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Ok lately I have been really stressed out to the point of wanting to die. My mom told me that she wanted to die because I don't live with her. Well in December I will be moving in with her and I don't know how long

I can live in that house without killing myself. I will be all alone at night and that is normally when I carve. And I will probably start smoking if I get too stressed out. I really don't know what to do. I mean I know what is best for my mom but not for me. I am going to the doctoer Friday because I am so stressed out my body hurts.




Depressed, stressed and dying


Whoa... again this is my advice to all suicidal ppl... do somethin worthwhile to keep ureself occupied and if ure stressed just relax & take a chillpill also its good that ure seeing a doctor ive heard therapy helps alot also since you and your mom are feeling the same way why not hang out with each other and keep ure self both away from that bad thing in ure mind called suicide

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I know what it's like to be stressed out at your age.


I went retarded with stress at the end of last year, trying to pull off good enough grades to get into university and dealing with a bad break up.

I contemplated my own death for a long time and then someone contacted the school councilor and he gave me some good advice to deal with stress. Just try to remember that usually things that are causing you stress are superficial, like me with my grades and loosing a girl. Most stressful things are only stressful because we make them stressful to us.

I don't know if grades a stressful thing for you but the councilor asked me "whats the worst that could happen if you don't get into university?" and after thinking about it for a second I realized that nothing bad could come of it. So I would have to take a few upgrading classes, but eventually if I wanted in I could get in.


The things we stress ourselves over very rarely could end killing us.

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Tackle one thing at a time. The suicidal thoughts were the most pressing problem so its good to deal with that first. Once you feel better, then you can look at the cutting. But just take it slow and easy. Let your body tell you when its ready for a new challenge.

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  • 4 months later...

well i dont think that its right for ur mum to put that kinda pressure on u, but its really cool that ur supporting her, u'll just have to find ways of coping with the stress, even if u have to start smoking, its better than killing urself or cutting ur arms to piece's, i reallt hope everything wokrs out for u, take care.

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