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Halliwell suggested this so HERE IT IS!

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My list of GOOD things that have come from my recent break-up:


*I don't have to deal with her moods

*I save gas and money (even though she claimed I never do anything for her)

*I don't get talked down to anymore

*I can say what I want to say, when I want to say and how I want it to be said without having to worry about someone's feelings

*I get compliments on my looks (even from a couple guys, but it wasn't on any gay stuff)

*I get to tweet whatever the hell I want to tweet without someone thinking it was about them

*I've become really close with a buddy that I used to beat in on in football in my high school years

*I met a female who is in the music industry

*I can be self centered without even realizing it and not have to get *****ed at for it

*I dont get told I'm being dramatic when I'm speaking my mind in a normal, calm voice.


Well, that's all I can think of for right now. Hopefully I'll continue to get better and. And for all of you going through..Please read my first few posts. YOU'RE NOT ALONE!

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