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A few questions about a girl im thinkin of askin out

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OK guys dis is my 1st post on ere so bear wif me. K i have a girls in mind but im nt sure if she is intersted in goin out wif me. Im a btr than avg lookin 16 yo and prty confident in most things. However, the prospect of askin a girl out scares the, eh, outa me. Anyways, she is in the year below me, and is my frineds sister. i waz ova at his house and i met her briefly there. she seems nice and waz prty hot. i have been txtin her and tlkin to her on msn... i thinks she likes me alrite but im nt sure if she wud wana go out wif me. also, wud it be appropiate to ask her even tho i dnt know her that well...lol, also, she is my m8s sister, is dat a problem? also, how should i go about askin her out? i will prolly not see her face to face for a loong time.


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i think that you should get to know her a bit more on msn or something, maybe when you are at your friends house you could start up a conversation with her, that would get you talking face to face. once you know each other more you could ask her to meet up with you or something, you could meet up with just the two of you or maybe both of you could take along some friends and go out in a gang. once you've gone out a few times thats when i would consider asking her out, if you still like her and she likes you. as for it being you friends sister, that all depends on what you friend is like, he may hate the idea or he might be ok with it. maybe you could ask him whether he would be ok with it? if not i would leave it, friends should always come first!

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