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Becoming attracted to a girl via "twitter"?


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So I met this girl a few nights ago at an event, at the time, I thought she was out of my league... Very attractive physically and really, I didn't talk to her at all. I saw her again the other night and I was introduced to her and found out her name. I had to leave so I didn't have time to chat with her but I decided to google her name and I came accross her twitter account. I think I am developing a huge crush on her now. Couldn't believe how many things in common that came up, from her schooling background, to interests, to her family background, etc. I am going to stop reading her twitter because I don't want to "know" something that she hasn't told me as it might look creepy that I was "e-stalking" her but at the same time I find myself much more attracted to her than just her physical appearance. I might run into her again on the weekend otherwise if I don't see her again I might just throw caution to the wind and try contacting her electronically as I feel I wouldn't have anything to lose at that point.


Anyway, just sharing a story more than anything.... Anyone else have stories of building up someone based on information they have read about them vs. actually learning it from them? Reminds me of the episode of How I met Your Mother where Ted and a girl agree not to google each other but Ted's friends do anyway.

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Yes. I have never personally met the girl but I have a huge crush on a girl on youtube. She is not a professional singer/actress/whatever, she's just a graduate student and singing is her hobby. So I am not insane and fawning over somebody totally inaccessible.


But yes, I could see from some Youtube interviews interesting stuff about her, then I googled her, and it became even more interesting. There's a ton of commonalities.


At least in your case you have real life access to this girl, so you can try to get to know her in person. Something might come of it in your case.

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