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Turn ex's confused friendship into love again

Sad Boy

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I have posted a lot in this site, after my break up. Thanks to you guys we are atleast very good friends now.


heres the thing:

What happened

My girlfriend and i had some trust issue, for which she would take them as a silly reason to break up, but when she told to her new friend in her college, he asked her to be rude to me, and ignore and break up with me she did as he said. She tried a relationship with other guy, which didnt work out, and she has changed her mind due to her (who supported me playing tricks that she love me and made jealous etc).


One she without her sisters suggestion she naturally felt that she did a mistake in following others decision in breaking with me and she apologised me a lot of times ( as she knew i had been to very condition due to break up)and spoke to me for 3 hours one day when we went out and she told me everything and didnt even miss a single bit about what all she did.


What she spoke to her sister(whats in her mind)

She said feels like proposing me and her sister told me that she spent whole night watching my pics saying how cute i was, and giving me a lovely hug simply she wwas attracted to me. she is afraid that she will propose me into relation again, and we are texting all day long and talking for 3-4 hours a day on phone


What she said to me

She said we will be really good friends, and il promise il never stop talking to you and even if i fight with you we will sort it out, but it can be anything friendship or relationship, we will always keep talking. and she has an unstable mind which changed from not seeing me in life to not leaving at any cost.


whats the problem to be in a relation now:

We are of same age so she believes that, it will take sometime for my career to settle. she is not sure of getting back to relationship but she is badly attracted to me.



1;I love her badly, i want to marry her (Im 18, il marry her when im 24)

2.How to make her confident to get back into a relationship with me

3.How to behave to keep her attracted to me and not bored of me

pls pls pls help me outttt il do anything i dont want to loose her now at any cost pleasee pleasee help me!!!

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For any relationship to work there must be mutual respect. After being on this forums for close to two years now I've come to the conclusion that a good amount of toxic relationships are fueled by lack of respect. She is walking all over you right now, she left you for another guy only to come back when things didn't work out. Does this seem like love or respect to you? When a woman wants to be with someone, I assure you they will go through great lengths to be with the one that they love. She isn't doing that.


She is "confused" about what she wants with you and yet you are so sure, what does that tell you? This is where you decide if you want to mature as a person and bring more to the next relationship or be hung up on this girl for years to come. Respect yourself and others will follow suit, treat yourself as a backup plan and others will follow suit.


Treat this as a test of your will and strength, you know she doesn't want to be with you, respect her decision and respect yourself enough to leave and heal. Grow from this experience so that you become a better man for a girl who isn't "confused" about whether she wants to be with you or not.


This isn't advice you want to hear but it's advice given to you by someone who went through what you went through on numerous occasions. Whether you choose to repeat my mistakes or circumvent them, always keep your eyes open to your own mistakes so that you grow from all of your experiences.

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You are waaaaay too young to be thinking about long term plans like marriage. Relax, take a deep breath, and look at what you want and what she's offered. Being friends with someone in order to win them back is a recipe for disaster. You have to be content with watching them move on and be with other people and if you still have romantic feelings for them, that leads to a lot of pain and heartache.


My advice, date other girls and don't hang around waiting for her to change her mind. Thats usually a waste of time.

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Sir, after reading this, Iasked her this way

"You came back to me because u didnt like the new one, and not because you love me or miss me,

and what if someone else comes to your life better than this guy whom u left, then



she first cried and said that

she likes and wants and missed me, she said thatt she loves and will with me forever

but she said has an unstable mind that goes out of her control(thats true, Im sure of that).


she apologised a lot of times for every small thing she did and said she wanted me


Sir can expect this to have a happy ending

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