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A Question For The Girls Only....

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um...2 nights ago...i was walking and some guy called out of a car saying "hey girl, why are you so beautiful?". ya...but alot of my friends tell me that...and that always means more because you know they consider the outside AND the inside. and i will admit it is a nice feeling.

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On the internet I have told several girls that I find them "cute" or "attractive" but I don't think i have ever used the word "beautiful"..i think i will reserve taht word for when i find a girlfriend and wife....its for her only....


i have told my mom and sister now and then they "look nice" in something.....


but i would never tell a girl she was attractive / cute / beautiful if i didn't really think she was and had feelings for her....

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The last time i was told that i was beatiful. ... Well it was tuesday night. I was talking to a reallllllllyyyy close guy friend of mine. We did go out, but we realized we are like brother and sister. I believe that we are soul twins. We are exactly a like, just the difference is tht i am a girl and hes a guy. We still ove eachother very much. Hes my best friend, and my brother. we both dont have any siblings. We have A LOT in common. I MEAN A LOT!

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It was three months ago. My friend and I were dressed for dancing and our jerk male friend arrived to escort us and she demanded that he tell her how she looked, so he went on about how gorgeous she is. "You're looking very beautiful, too," he said absently to me as an afterthought, ostensibly to avoid my wrath but I don't go fishing for opinions so it just annoyed me that he thought I'm that way.

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My little 5 year old sister got into my make up and i walked in the room and she told me that she wanted to be beautiful like me and asked me to do her make up. it was so cute >.


That is the most adorable thing i've ever heard. XD

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Hmm, yesterday actually by a guy I went on a couple dates with so far. I can also clearly remember my ex saying it as well on occasion.


I get told that I am sexy, gorgeous, attractive a lot...but beautiful, I love that word because it usually comes at a vulnerable offguard moment and to me is more about radiance/personality then just physical appearance - so I love being told that by someone I care about

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Last year at a in school practice for the Shakespearean Drama club play, my friend Matt told me I was so beautiful. Mind you this is after a full days work under stage lights, a thick velvet dress making me even hotter, and my hair so frizzy it looked as though we had been in the rain. I came off stage looking and feeling gross, he slipt behind me and while giving me this huge hug said, "You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen..."

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