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What is the BEST thing about having an opposite sex friend?

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For me, I think the best thing about being friends with girls is that they are so understanding, fun, empathetic, attentive, honest, open, easy to talk too, and non-judgmental.


For everyone here, what is the BEST thing for you about having a friend of the opposite sex?

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Being able to talk to him about whoever I was seeing at the time, and him being able to point out to me their bad behavior. More than a few times Ray would tell me, "a good guy wouldn't do (fill in the blank with whatever the bf-du-jour did)"


It was through Ray's observations that I learned what to look for, and how to tell when I was being treated badly. In an ideal situation, I guess this is what a father would teach his daughter -- how a man should treat you -- but, like most of us, I grew up in a less than ideal situation.


It was also Ray who passed along these great words of wisdom to me, "No Trust, No Relationship." Ray taught me more about unconditional love in action and real friendship than just about anyone else I've met.

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I think it is better to be a girl and have a guy friend (what) than be a guy and have a girl friend. Girls are allowed to act silly around guys and goof off, whereas guys still have to control themselves around female friends.


What's good about it? I'd say the fact you don't have to be all rough and strong around females. You can just be yourself without putting on a show just to seem tough.



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