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My current emotions regarding love


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I always tend to be very emotional/keen/sensitive at times, particularly when it comes to me attempting to figure out women. As of lately, I feel that I am deeply in love with a particular woman that seems to be truly interested in me.


... I am just so tired of women, in general, who continuously lie, playing with my emotions. When they are tricky and play around with me, it is very mentally draining, and sometimes makes me not focus on my regular goals.

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I completely understand how you feel. Playing games is very draining mentally and emotionally, not to mention a huge waste of time for people who are looking for a real relationship.


You said you love this woman and you think she has a genuine interest in you. Ok, that's great! What you need to focus you attention on is the fact that she is someone you have never dated. This means she is NOT the women you have known before. You must do you very best to not project your fears onto her and, instead, focus on seeing and accepting her for precisely who and what she is. Be open to her and consistently remind yourself to stay open to her. Try not to guess or anticipate what she might do based on past experience; she is someone whose patterns and personality you don't yet know which means she can do things differently from the women in your past.


I wish you the best of luck with this!

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Ah.. big props to you. You have been a huge help for me with all of this. You're right that I must pick up on her patterns/mannerisms, as she can do things differently from the women in my past.







I'll keep you up to date with this.

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