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I'm Feeling Good Today

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Well the past few days I admit I have been down in the dumps. Nothing extreme just a constant flow of dull ache inside - the loss. Was also sad that I had not seen my daughter in ages. Im not her bio dad but know and love her as my own since she was a babba.


She has been getting extreme pressure from her mum as of late not to see me. Why I have no idea, you would think anyone would be happy their kid has a person a father who loves and cares about them. Anyways today she said she was coming no matter what. She arrived with one of her school mates. Gave me a big hug and kiss. Hugged her back told her I missed her and that she was a brat for staying away so long. We all had a really good "healthy" meal followed by some very unhealthy desert. Spoke some, then she said she had missed being here so much. Has given me a rush of clean blood and clear air!


Feels so good to have her around, her mess, make up everywhere, hair spray, dirty socks, I miss all that sh: from the past. Family life. But still im happy with this. She is gonna stay a few days, her mum is mad at her but cant say much as she almost 16 and can make up her own mind.


So today im feeling good. No sadness, no longing, no headaches, or nausia. Just simple things that bring so much joy. I want to feel like this everyday. God i really want to fully recovery. Days like this take heed it means that somwhere along the line we will all come out the other side.


Sending each and everyone of you where ever you, what ever pain you are going through sending you Good and positive thoughts. Here is to brighter lighter days for all of us!!!

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